December 12, 1967
Attachment, Draft Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, 'Regarding: Report on the Czechoslovak Delegation's Negotiations in the United Arab Republic'
Reference number: P 3512/9
Attachment I
Regarding: Report on the Czechoslovak delegation's negotiations in the United Arab Republic
(cde. F. Hamoun)
Following the negotiations on the presented report, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia
I) Approves the Agreement concluded on November 18, 1967 regarding the delivery of further L-29 jets, substitute engines and other parts equaling an overall value of 290 million Czechoslovak Koruna trade parity 1967 (6 million Pound Sterling, pre-devaluation), listed in Appendix IV/2;
II) The Committee orders
1) cde. F. Hamouz and cde. J. Krejčí to provide for all airplane technology deliveries according to the agreement approved in paragraph I of this Resolution and to do so within the periods agreed upon;
2) cde. B. Sucharda to provide for the necessary financial amount to cover the credit offered according to the listed agreement;
3) cde. F. Hamouz in cooperation with cde. O Černík and cde. J. Krejčí and cde. B. Lomský to check all requirements made by the United Arab Republic regarding further credit-related deliveries of special material and to check the options of introducing the assembly, and possibly manufacturing of L-29 jets into the United Arab Republic's airplane factories and to present a draft for further steps to be taken to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia;
III. authorizes cde. A. Novotný and cde. J. Lenárt to take decisions at their own responsibility regarding the further proceeding with respect to all issues that would arise relating to this resolution and the signed agreement and surpass the Minister of Foreign Trade's powers.
Will be carried out by: cde. F. Hamouz
cde. O Černík
cde. J. Krejčí
cde. B. Sucharda
cde. B Lomský
For the information of: cde. A. Novotný
cde. J. Lenárt
cde. V. David
cde. J. Kudrna
cde. O. Šimůnek
In this draft resolution, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia approves of an agreement to deliver L-29 jets to the United Arab Republic.
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