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October 1985

Brazil-Argentina Joint Statement on Regional Nuclear Policy

This document was made possible with support from Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)

Joint Statement on Regional Nuclear Policy

The President of the Argentine Republic, His Excellency Mr. Raúl Alfonsín and the President of the Federative Republic of Brazil, His Excellency Mr. José Sarney, on meetings held between ..............., and ............... November 1985, and

Considering that:

Nuclear science and technology are highly  valuable for every modern country  in significantly driving economic development;

Both countries have dedicated years to studying and researching peaceful applications of nuclear energy, which has required considerable input to master a relevant level of knowledge that currently grant them the possibility of peacefully using nuclear energy to benefit their own people;

The cooperation between Argentina and Brazil shall be a multiplier of benefits that they can reciprocally get, through the peaceful use of nuclear energy;

Said cooperation is open to all countries in the region that are interested in participating;

They declare:

1. their commitment to developing nuclear energy for peaceful purposes only;

2. their intention to closely cooperate in all areas for peaceful applications of nuclear energy and to complement each other on areas agreed on;

3. their desire for this cooperation to be extended to other Latin American countries that share same goals;

4. their decision to establish a system of mutual guarantees for the exclusively peaceful use of nuclear materials, equipment and facilities in both countries.

For the abovementioned, they set a meeting at … level in … days in order to study the best way to execute this declaration.



Proposed joint statement to create an Argentina-Brazil working group to discuss nuclear energy.


Document Information


AHMRE. Critical Oral History Conference on the Argentine-Brazilian Nuclear Cooperation, Rio de Janeiro, March 2012.


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Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)