March 25, 1984
Cable from Ambassador Katori to the Foreign Minister, 'Prime Minister Visit to China (Foreign Ministers’ Discussion)'
This document was made possible with support from MacArthur Foundation
Number R037692
Primary: Asia and China
Sent: China 00:18 Year Month 25
Received: MOFA 01:20 1984 March 25
To: The Foreign Minister From: Ambassador Katori
Prime Minster Visit to China (Foreign Ministers’ Discussion)
Number 1339 Top Secret Taop Urgent Q36RA
Cabinet Minister Abe met with Foreign Minister Wu Xueqian on the 24th at 2:50 PM for approximately 2 and a half hours at a guest residence. (also in attendance Diplomatic Advisor Han Nianlong, among others). Details of the summary below are in separate wires.
1. Relations with the U.S. Separate Wire 1
2. Regarding the participation of China in the ADB (Note: China requested that even the fact that this topic was discussed be not be revealed. There was no mention of this during the press briefing.) Separate Wire 2
3. Relations with the Soviet Union Separate Wire 3
4. The state of the Korean Peninsula Separate Wire 4
5. Regarding Hong Kong Separate Wire 5
6. Regarding Cambodia among others (Visiting Malaysia, among others) Separate Wire 6
7. Bilateral Issues Separate Wire 7 (End)
Ambassador Katori outlines the talks between Foreign Minsters Wu Xueqian and Abe Shintaro.
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