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February 4, 1949

Cable, Anastas Mikoyan to Joseph Stalin

This document was made possible with support from MacArthur Foundation

Top Secret


A.I. MIKOYAN to I.V. STALIN February 4, 1949


To comrade STALIN.


About Mao Zedong’s impression from the telegrams of com. STALIN


I deem it necessary to note that Mao Zedong and members of the Politburo were very pleased with the content of the telegrams received from you, and for the whole evening during a long conversation remained in very good mood.


Mikoyan. 4/II


Cable from Mikoyan to Stalin, saying that Mao and the members of the Chinese Politburo were pleased with the content of previous telegrams sent by Stalin.

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Cable, Anastas Mikoyan to Joseph Stalin

Cable sent from Mikoyan to Stalin, summarizing a discussion between Mikoyan and Mao. In that conversation, Mikoyan tells Mao that once the USSR opposed foreign mediation between the Guomindang and CCP, England, America and France changed their positions from supporting mediation to refuting mediation. Mikoyan then draws to Stalin's attention that Zhou Enlai noticed permanent representatives of Americans, including "spies, and journalists," among the Chinese Communist Party.

February 4, 1949

Cable, Joseph Stalin to Anastas Mikoyan

Stalin cable to Mikoyan, responding to Mikoyan's report that an American named Rittenberg is stationed with the Chinese Communist party as a spy. Stalin recommends an arrest of Rittenberg immediately, so as "to expsoe the network of American agents" operating in China. Stalin then notes that another American, writer Anna-Louise Strong, is also an American spy.

February 4, 1949

Cable, Joseph Stalin to Anastas Mikoyan

Stalin cable to Mikoyan, asking Mikoyan to recount a four-point cable sent earlier to Mao Zedong. Stalin has not heard an answer, and demands an immediate one.

Document Information


Provided to the National Security Archive/Svetlana Savranskaya by Sergo Mikoyan. With permission of the National Security Archive. Translated by Sergey Radchenko.


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MacArthur Foundation