The CCP Central Committee distributes a report from the Propaganda Department titled “Report on the Basic Conditions of and Suggestions for Improvement of Propaganda Work towards Taiwan."
February 21, 1956
Cable from the CCP Central Committee, 'Regarding the Issue of Propaganda on Liberating Taiwan'
This document was made possible with support from Chun & Jane Chiu Family Foundation
Incoming Cable
From Beijing
Grade: Special
Security level [not specified].
Original number: 227
Registry number: 0408
Type: Party
Confidential Department
February 24; Received 4 pm
Recorded by Zhu
Handling Departments: Propaganda Department, United Front Department
CC: Standing Committee, Secretary General, General Office, People’s Committee General Office Party Branch
Regarding the Issue of Propaganda on Liberating Taiwan
For the Party Committees of Guangdong and Fujian Provinces, plus also for transmission to Embassies in India, Burma, and Indonesia through the Foreign Ministry Party Committee
Propaganda regarding the issue of liberating Taiwan in Overseas Chinese newspapers as well as Hong Kong and Macao newspapers should be implemented based on the spirit of the Premier’s political report “In Addition to Actively Preparing to Liberate Taiwan by Military Means When Necessary, Strive for the Liberation of Taiwan by Peaceful Means,” and should also emphasize “all Chinese people, including on the mainland and on Taiwan, should unite under the banner of patriotism and work together ourselves to resolve this issue which is part of our internal affairs.”
The content of propaganda must firmly grasp the banner of patriotism:
First, talk about the wealth and power of the motherland, repeatedly introducing New China’s various achievements, in particular in view of the international and domestic situation, propagandizing our country’s elevated international status and the inevitable victory of the forces of world peace and democracy.
Second, emphasize that the Communist Party of the People’s Republic of China has always advocated the unity of all nationalities, acting as one towards outsiders, never permitting any foreigners to interfere in our country’s internal affairs.
Third, all Nationalist Party military government personnel and overseas Chinese should unite under the banner of patriotism and strive to accomplish the great task of liberating Taiwan and uniting the motherland.
On propaganda strategy:
(1) Pay attention to the trend of articles from the China News Agency, propaganda on liberating Taiwan is long-term, with necessary intervals; in the near-term propaganda may be carried out more intensively, including drafting and selecting editorials, but later this can be turned into a slow but steady stream of propaganda.
(2) For now, progressive overseas Chinese newspapers shouldn’t publish articles attacking Chiang Kai-shek’s [Jiang Jieshi] Nationalist Party, but should report on Chiang’s air force bombing the [Chinese] coast, infighting within the Chiang clique, anxieties and fears throughout [Taiwan] society, as well as the dark side of Taiwan, and wherever appropriate should blame all these evils on American imperialism.
(3) The Chiang clique should be addressed by the names used in the Premier’s report, namely “Chiang Kai-shek clique”, “Chiang gang”, and “Nationalist Party military government personnel”.
(4) It is acceptable to criticize those Nationalist Party military government personnel who block the peaceful liberation of Taiwan, as well as to awaken their patriotic consciousness.
(5) If a newspaper receives family letters from members of the Chiang Kai-shek Nationalist Party military or government, the good ones can be published in full, while the ordinary ones can be excerpted and published in postal form, in order to break up and win over Chiang Kai-shek’s military and civilian personnel.
Furthermore, reporting on the socialist transformation of the motherland should draw more on articles from the China News Service. At present there’s no need to emphasize the speed of socialist transformation, but ought to pay attention to reporting on industrial and agricultural production. As for reports on the industrial and commercial private sector, reporting should pay attention to achievements in simultaneously transforming enterprises and personnel, with positive propaganda on the policies, methods and results of the peaceful transformation of our country’s capitalist class.
Central Committee
February 21, 1956
(Central Confidential Information Bureau, Cable Office, 24th Day sent)
The CCP Central Committee advises officials in Guangdong and Fujian, as well as at Chinese embassies abroad, on the Party's propaganda strategy vis-a-vis Nationalist controlled Taiwan.
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