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June 6, 1954

Cable from the CCP Central Committee, reply to Zhou Enlai’s cable of 3 June 1954

This document was made possible with support from MacArthur Foundation

[To] Comrade [Zhou] Enlai:


Your telegram dated 3 June has been received.


The Central Committee agrees with your analysis on the issue of US nationals [in China] and the proposal for handling this issue. Prior to issuing a statement, please notify home so as to coordinate the propaganda work.


Central Committee

6 June 1954


The CCP Central Committee informed Zhou Enlai that they received and agreed with his proposal.

Document Information


Waijiaobu Dang’anguan ed., Yijiuwusi nian Rineiwa huiyi (The Geneva Conference of 1954) (Beijing: Shijie zhishi chubanshe, 2006), 384. Translated by Yafeng Xia.


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MacArthur Foundation