Zhou Enlai informed the Chinese government that his purposes of visiting India were to prepare the signing of an Asian peace and to build peace in the Indochina area. He also stated his plans regarding the negotiations of several treaties. The Chinese government agreed with his plans.
June 22, 1954
Cable from the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, 'Intention and Plans for Visiting India'
This document was made possible with support from MacArthur Foundation
Telegraph file
Priority Level: Extra special rush
To: Geneva
Already forwarded to: Chairman, Liu [Shaoqi], Zhou [Enlai], Zhu [De], Chen [Yun], Peng [Dehuai], Deng [Xiaoping], Xi [Zhongxun], Yang, Foreign Ministry
Contents: Intention and Plan for Visiting India
To Comrade Zhou Enlai:
The cable dated 22 June [1954] was received. We agree with your proposed intention and plan to visit India. We also agree to your plans regarding the method of approach and positions towards the issue of Burma, Nepal, and Ceylon. [In addition we also agree to your plans to] issue a statement at the airport upon arrival, to present flowers at Gandhi’s tomb, and to strive to issue a joint friendly statement with India prior to departure.
Central Committee
22 June 1954, 10:00 p.m.
The Central Committee approves Zhou Enlai's travel to India.
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