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November 5, 1962

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Cuba, 'Report of the Conversation between Charge d’Affaires Huang Wenyou and Severo Aguirre del Cristo, Member of the National Leadership Committee of Cuban Integrated Revolutionary Organizations'

This document was made possible with support from Leon Levy Foundation



Report of the Conversation between Charge d’Affaires Huang Wenyou and Severo Aguirre del Cristo, Member of the National Leadership Committee of Cuban Integrated Revolutionary Organizations


To the Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Severo Aguirre [del Cristo], member of the national leadership committee of Cuban Integrated Revolutionary Organizations, told comrade Huang Wenyou on 2 November, “Cuba’s party and government are determined to defend [Cuba’s] sovereignty and independence at any cost, including sacrificing one’s own life. The five demands raised by Fidel [Castro] are minimum ones. To realize them, we shall rely, above all, on our own determination and resolve, then on international support, for our own force alone is not enough and we need people to stand behind us.”


[Chinese] Embassy in Cuba

5 November 1962

A report from the Chinese Embassy in Cuba to the Chinese Foreign Ministry of the Conversation between Charge d’Affaires Huang Wenyou and Severo Aguirre del Cristo, Member of the National Leadership Committee of Cuban Integrated Revolutionary Organizations about Cuban-Chinese relations and support.

Document Information


PRC FMA 111-00342-05, 21. Translated by Zhang Qian.


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Leon Levy Foundation