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May 16, 1965

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Poland to International Liaison Department and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'A Few Polish and Czech Reactions to Our Second Nuclear Bomb Test Explosion'

This document was made possible with support from Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)

A Few Polish and Czech Reactions to Our Second Nuclear Bomb Test Explosion


CCPCC International Liaison Department and Ministry of Foreign Affairs,


Yesterday we came to know the following reactions here in Poland to our second nuclear bomb test explosion:


(1) The news of our second nuclear bomb test explosion was covered in a more prominent place in various Polish newspapers compared to last time. Last year, the news of our nuclear test was published in the bottom right corner within the weather forecast column on one of the pages of the (Polish Communist) Party newspaper Trybuna Ludu (People’s Tribune) and there was no report of the Communiqué issued by our government at the same time. This year, however, the news was placed in a more prominent place on the international page and there was report on our reiteration of our proposal to convene a summit meeting. Internal Reference, a newspaper published by the Polish Press Agency, reprinted our Communiqué in its entirety.


(2) Pu-te-la-men-te [sic], a member of the Central Committee of the Polish Communist Party (he is central left within the Party and a relatively popular figure in the Polish society) said to our Cultural Counselor:“I’m very glad at the news of (the success) of your second nuclear bomb test explosion, which may force the United States to tone down a bit. The idea that war is the biggest misfortune that can befall mankind is designed to prepare the public for surrender. If anything else is thought to be better than war, then surrender becomes the only option. The bigger the fear for war, the bolder the United States gets. What happens to Vietnam proves that. By now the notion that the United States and the Soviet Union could coexist in peace has already been laid to rest because it is simply impossible.”


(3) Three of the four Polish students that came into contact with our students studying in Poland said: “This time was aerial explosion, a step further than the previous time. The success of China’s nuclear bomb test explosion has solidified the strength of the socialist camp.”One of the Polish students said “It was really scary.”


Furthermore, a Czech counselor from the Czech Embassy in Poland said to our cultural counselor: “The successful test explosion of the nuclear bomb is a victory for the Chinese people. However, it is still not a good thing to have a lot of nuclear bombs. (Now) both the Soviet Union and China have them; West Germany probably will have them, which will pose a great threat to us. We don’t want any nuclear bomb to fall on our heads. Two nuclear bombs are enough to destroy the whole nation of Czechoslovakia and it is a different case for China, being a vast country as it is. ”



Chinese Embassy in Poland

16 May 1965


The Chinese Embassy in Poland assesses the responses to the Chinese nuclear test among socialist countries in Eastern Europe.

Document Information


PRC FMA 109-02910-01, 19-20. Translated by Xi Zhao.


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