April 9, 1955
Cable from the Chinese Foreign Ministry, 'Beware of Enemy Sabotage'
This document was made possible with support from MacArthur Foundation
Sent to: Guangzhou
Forward to: Foreign Ministry, Premier’s Office
Content: Beware of Enemy Sabotage
Guangzhou Foreign Affairs Office, Comrade Huang Zuomei, and Guangdong Provincial [Party] Committee (Top Secret):
We have been informed that agents of Jiang Jieshi's [Chiang Kai-shek] special service have premeditated plans to covertly harm the head of our Afro-Asian conference delegation. If the head [of our delegation] passes through Hong Kong, they [the special agents] will sabotage [his] plane. Therefore you should keep your travel time [and plans] a secret, and be vigilant about the Hong Kong airport, especially about the aircraft. Before take off, please ask the pilot to inspect the fuel tank and other places that may hold explosives. Regarding this matter, stay calm and do not notify too many people. Once you reach Indonesia, immediately telegraph us so we can be free of worry.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
9 April 1955
Chinese report on a Taiwanese plan to assassinate the head of the PRC delegation to the Afro-Asian Conference when they passed through Hong Kong.
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