A member of India's Goan People's Party visted the embassy asking for support from the Chinese.
December 23, 1961
Cable, Chinese Foreign Ministry to Embassy in Morocco, 'Generally Express Support for the Struggle against Portugal with Braganca '
This document was made possible with support from MacArthur Foundation
Generally Express Support for the Struggle against Portugal with Braganca
[Chinese] Embassy in Morocco:
We have received your cable of 28 November.
According to what our embassy in India learn from [sources in] the Indian Communist Party, Braganca is a member of the Goan People's Party, not the Indian Communist Party, and teaches in Morocco; he participated in the meeting of Portuguese Colonies representatives in Casablanca, but is not a leader of the Goa movement.
The situation is fundamentally different now that India has recovered Goa; it could easily cause diplomatic problems if we made direct contact with the Goans.
Your embassy may refrain from initiating contact with Braganca, and if he comes again, you can learn more about his views given the new circumstances, listening much and saying little. With respect to the issue of aid, you can refrain from answering, and express general support for India's struggle to recover Goa.
Central Committee International Liaison Department
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
23 December 1961
The Foreign Ministry orders the embassy to refrain from initiating contact with a representative of the Goan People's Party as it could cause diplomatic problems with India for China to be in direct contact with the Goan liberation movement.
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