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December 19, 1961

Cable from the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'We Support the Action Taken by India against Goa, but We Cannot Agree with India’s Demand that We Withdraw Our Sentry Posts'

This document was made possible with support from MacArthur Foundation



We Support the Action taken by India against Goa,
but We Cannot Agree with India’s Demand that We Withdraw Our Sentry Posts


[To] the [Chinese] Embassy in India:


Concerning the two cables about India’s demand for us to withdraw our sentry posts to show our support of India’s invasion of Goa, Counselor Ye should express to India that China has always opposed imperialism and colonialism. Goa is an integral part of Indian territory and we support the action taken by India against Goa. Imperialism will never automatically give up the places it occupies, [and] on this question it is clear who are friends and who are enemies. So long as India fights against imperialism, we will certainly support [India]. And we will express our support through declarations. China does not occupy an inch of Indian land, but India actually occupies [a large amount] of Chinese land. It is our sovereign right for Chinese sentry posts to execute their responsibilities in our own territory. It is absolutely wrong for India to link this with the issue of Goa and request that we withdraw. We cannot agree.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

19 December 1961


Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs ordered the Chinese Ambassador to convey to India that while China wholeheartedly support India taking back Goa, it could not agree to the demand that Beijing withdraw their sentry posts.

Document Information


PRC FMA 105-01057-02, 25-26. Obtained by Dai Chaowu and translated by 7Brands.


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MacArthur Foundation