October 20, 1976
Cable, Cornell, Swedish Embassy, Pyongyang, to the Cabinet, Stockholm
This document was made possible with support from Kyungnam University
UTRIKESDEPARTEMENTET [Ministry for Foreign Affairs] SA
| Matter:
Copy to: CAB S. [Cabinet Secretary] ASS CAB. S [Assistant Cabinet Secretary] CHIEF OF POLICE POL I [Political Department] PROTCH [Protocol Department] | Measure: (see the rules on form copy) C 53/XKO/[illegible] |
[From] Swedish [Embassy] Pyongyang
[To] Cabinet Stockholm
[Illegible signature]
For the Chief of Police.
During a recent meeting with the Deputy Minister, he said that he is prepared to quickly call the Ambassador home for reporting if the Swedish authorities will guarantee to do their utmost to minimize this unfavourable publicity. The situation regarding the free press is clear. This guarantee must, [I] repeat, must include: that the ambassador is not declared guilty in the published police report, otherwise it would be meaningless to recall him. I suggested that such understanding must be further elaborated directly between the ambassador and the Utrikesdepartmentet [Ministry for Foreign Affairs]. Phone message.
[Erik] Cornell
[Illegible signature]
In an urgent message for the Chief of Police, Swedish Charge D'Affairs in Pyongyang Erik Cornell suggests that the North Korean ambassador in Sweden not be declared guilty in the published police report on smuggling by North Korean diplomats. Cornell further suggests that the North Korean ambassador and Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs directly discuss the agreement he reached with the North Korean Deputy Foreign Minister that the ambassador will be recalled quickly should the Swedish government help minimize unfavorable press.
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