February 23, 1955
Cable from Huan Xiang, 'Indian Premier Nehru’s View on Resolving the Taiwan Issue'
This document was made possible with support from MacArthur Foundation
Indian Premier Nehru’s View on Resolving the Taiwan Issue
23 February 1955
From the Station in Great Britain
To the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
We are in receipt of your telegram dated 23 February. Nehru, speaking at the London airport on the 14th, said: If the Taiwan issue is to be resolved through agreements or negotiations, he “sees no reason that could [justify] excluding any party.” On the 17th in Delhi, he also said: India should not recognize the Guomindang [Kuomintang], but he “was not willing insist on allowing or not allowing someone to participate in the conference (referring to the ten-nation conference proposed by the Soviet Union).” We have already detailed our view of and advice for how to handle Nehru’s attitude; please refer to our telegrams of 17 and 19 February.
Huan Xiang
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