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February 3, 1949

Cable, Joseph Stalin to Anastas Mikoyan

This document was made possible with support from MacArthur Foundation

Top Secret


(About the Nanjing’ists’ removal of state-owned gold and other treasures to the South from the evacuated regions)


I.V. STALIN to A.I. MIKOYAN (No. 0833)




Focus Mao Zedong’s attention on the following question.


According to our trusted information, the Nanjing’ists are taking south from all the evacuated areas and cities of China state-owned gold and other treasures from banks and other institutions. It would be good to raise it as one condition of talks with the Nanjing’ists that they return all these treasures unconditionally and pass them over to the people’s liberation democratic forces.




Stalin cable to Mikoyan, asking Mikoyan to bring Mao's attention to the issue of Nanjing'ists taking China's state-owned gold south from evacuated cities and areas in China. Stalin recommends that Mao make the return of this gold a condition for holding talks with the Nanjing'ists.


Document Information


Provided to the National Security Archive/Svetlana Savranskaya by Sergo Mikoyan. With permission of the National Security Archive. Translated by Sergey Radchenko.


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MacArthur Foundation