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January 22, 1950

Cable, Liu Shaoqi to Chairman Mao [Zedong]

This document was made possible with support from Leon Levy Foundation









Chairman Mao [Zedong]:


There are 14,000 ethnic Korean officers and soldiers on duty in the 4th Field Army. Kim Il Sung has sent three representatives—with director of operations bureau of the Korean People's Army the general staff headquarters as head—to receive the ethnic Korean officers and soldiers. They asked to regroup these ethnic Korean troops into one division and direct-subordinate detachment. They have also asked to take all the equipment of the ethnic Korean soldiers including 12,000 rifles, 440 light machine guns, 189 heavy machine guns, 120 revolvers, 132 grenade launchers, seventy-two tank cannons, thirty-six 105-millimeter rockets launchers, and some ammunition. Comrade Lin Biao has agreed to let us meet this request. Please give instructions in regards to this issue.


Liu Shaoqi

January 22, 1950


I completely agree with meeting this request.

Mao Zedong

January 25, 1950






Телеграмма Лю Шаоци Мао Цзэдуну в Москву


Телеграмма от ЦК КПК


Председателю Мао !


Солдаты и офицеры—корейцы, находящиеся  на службе в частях 4-ой полевой армии, насчитывают 14 тысяч человек.Ким  Ир Сен прислал 3 представителей во главе с начальником  оперативного отдела Штаба принять этих корейцев .Они просят сформировать  из этих бойцов одну дивизию с отрядами непосредственного  подчинения командованию дивизии, а также увезти с собой  все вооружение: 12.000 винтовок, 440 легких пулеметов, 180 станковых пулеметов, 120 револьверов, 132 бомбомета, 72 танковых орудий, 36 минометов 105 мм и боеприпасы.Нами предложено т. Линь Бяо удовлетворить эту просьбу.


Прошу Вашего указания по этому поводу


.Лю Шаоци

22.1.1950 г.


Cогласен полностью удовлетворить.


Мао Цзэдун

25.1.1950 г.


АП РФ , Ф N 45, Оп N 1, Д N 334, Л N 22




Liu Shaoqi reports to Mao Zedong that the ethnic Korean officers have arrived to bring back the ethnic Koreans to Korea. To the request of the North Korean officers in bringing back the weapons ethnic Korean officers had used, Mao responds in the affirmative.

Document Information


Zhonggong zhongyang wenxian yanjiu shi and Zhongyang dang'anguan, eds., Jianguo yilai Liu Shaoqi Wengao (Liu Shaoqi's Manuscripts since the Founding of the PRC), vol. 1 (Beijing: Zhongyang wenxian chubanshe, 2005), 320. Translated by Kim Donggil. A copy of the document is also accessible in Russian in AP RF, fond 45, opis 1, delo 334, listy 22, and RGASPI, f. 558, op. 11, d. 334, ll. 0022.


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Leon Levy Foundation