This telegram is a summary of the plenary session during the summit between Japanese PM Kaifu and his Egyptian counterparts. During the conversation the two sides discussed the economic impact of Iraq's invasion of Kuwait on Egypt and Kaifu's decision to send $2billion in aid to Egypt, Turkey, and Jordan.
October 4, 1990
Cable No. 1837 from Ambassador Yamada Chusei (Egypt) to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, 'The Prime Minister’s Visit to Egypt (Conversation in Car)'
This document was made possible with support from The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
Telegraphic Copy [blacked out] 08-054
Number R199235 | Primary: Second Middle East Division |
October 4, 1990 [time blacked out] | Sent [from] Egypt |
October 4, 1990 [time blacked out] | Arrived [at] Ministry |
[to] Minister of Foreign Affairs | [from] Ambassador Yamada Chusei |
The Prime Minister’s Visit to Egypt (Conversation in Car)
No. 1837 Confidential Urgent (Priority Processing) [blacked out]
(Below is FAX transmission CA0920-02)
On October 3, Prime Minister Kaifu Toshiki had a conversation while in a car with Minister of Cabinet Affairs Atef Ebeid. Following is a summary of its main points. (Present was Orita Masaki, Secretary to the Prime Minister. Interpreter: Tsuruoka Koji.)
1. Minister of Cabinet Affairs Ebeid said the following:
(1) I (Ebeid) am responsible for environmental issues within the government. Egypt has been successfully carrying out with Germany and the Netherlands a desert greening project at the northwestern coast. President Mubarak has also praised it.
(2) I am aware that Japan has a high level of technology for desert greening. I think that it would be beneficial if Japan and Egypt were to cooperate in this field.
2. In reply, the Prime Minister said the following:
(1) I, too, am fully aware of the importance of global environmental issues.
(2) I think that cooperation between Japan and Egypt on desert greening would be beneficial, so I would like to pass what you have said to the appropriate authorities on the Japanese side.
2. Minister of Cabinet Affairs Ebeid then said the following:
Egypt is blessed with water – with the Mediterranean Sea, the Red Sea, and the Nile River – but not enough fish farming is being done.
I (Ebeid) would like to receive assistance from Japan for raising fish and shrimp. What are your thoughts, Prime Minister?
(The Prime Minister gave no particular reply to this, partly for the reason that the car had arrived at its destination.)
Summary of Japanese Prime Minister Kaifu's conversation with Egyptian Minister of Cabinet Affairs Atef Ebeid. The brief chat included Ebeid's proposal of a desert greening project and Egypt's existing projects with Germany and the Netherlands.
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