Hu and Nakasone discuss bilateral relations between China and Japan, with both sides expressing a high degree of optimism about the relationship.
November 9, 1986
Cable No. 3770, Ambassador Nakae to the Foreign Minister, 'The Prime Minister’s Visit to China (Meeting with Premier Zhao)'
Number: [blacked out]
Primary: Asia - China
Sent: China, November 9, 1986 [blacked out]
Received: MOFA, November 9, 1986 [blacked out]
To: The Foreign Minister
From: Ambassador Nakae
The Prime Minister’s Visit to China (Meeting with Premier Zhao)
No. 3770 Secret Top Urgent
On the morning of the 9th, from nine o’clock, a meeting between Prime Minister Nakasone and Premier Zhao was held for one hour in the Great Hall of the People (Xinjiang Hall). There took place an exchange of opinions on bilateral economic issues, a summary of which we will send by the separate telegrams below. Moreover, to make it clear, Prime Minister Nakasone’s statements in separate telegrams 2, 3, and 4 are his collected answers to Premier Zhao’s series of statements.
Separate Telegram 1. General Remarks (Including International Economy in General)
Separate Telegram 2. Trade
Separate Telegram 3. Cooperation in Investment in China
Separate Telegram 4. Investment in China, Joint Enterprises
Separate Telegram 5. Petition for Commerce and Industry Club (End)
An outline of the discussions held between Zhao Ziyang and Nakasone Yasuhiro.
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