A telegram documenting correspondence between the Foreign Minister Shara and the Ambassador to Syria regarding the American hostages in Lebanon.
July 30, 1985
Cable No. 388, Foreign Minister to the Ambassador [Kato], 'Problem of the Release of the American Hostages (Special Message to Foreign Minister Shara)'
Number: 064838-002
Draft Telegram
Drafted: July 30, 1985
Primary: Middle Eastern and African Affairs Bureau Director-General
To: Ambassador to Syria
From: Foreign Minister
Problem of the Release of the American Hostages (Special Message to Foreign Minister Shara)
No. 388 Secret Urgent (Priority Processing)
Outgoing Telegram First Middle East Division No. 387 Separate Telegram
(Limited Distribution)
1. I thank you once again for the affection and warm reception from your country’s officials and people at the time of my recent visit to your country.
The meetings with President Assad and you, Minister, were very significant. I intend henceforth to make every effort for the further promotion of friendly and cooperative relations between our two countries.
I would also like to fully engage in a frank exchange of views with you on the problem of peace in the Middle East.
2. Furthermore, during this visit, I truly had a strong sense regarding your country having exerted the utmost efforts for the release of the hostages in the TWA Incident and regarding your country now exerting the utmost efforts for the release of the seven American hostages. Our country’s government and people have a great interest regarding these incidents and highly appraise your country’s realistic and responsible attitude.
3. I am fully aware, through meeting with you, that there are difficulties related to the problem of the release of the seven American hostages. I sincerely hope that the humanitarian efforts that your country is making for the release of the hostages will bear fruit as soon as possible. I would appreciate your informing me from this point onward of such information as that related to prospects for their release.
A telegram from the Japanese Foreign Minister to the Ambassador to Syria regarding the American hostages in Lebanon.
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