Petrov reports on the anti-Soviet mood in Northeast China and elsewhere around the country.
November 27, 1945
Cable No. 832 from Petrov in Chongqing on Anti-Soviet Campaign in Manchuria
This document was made possible with support from Blavatnik Family Foundation
[handwritten at the top: "To Cde. Molotov"]
| STRICTLY SECRET Reproduction prohibited |
Copy Nº 1 - MARKUP Copy Nº 2 - to Stalin Copy Nº 3 - to Stalin Copy Nº 4 - to Molotov Copy Nº 5 - to Vyshinsky Copy Nº 6 - to Dekanozov Copy Nº 7 - to Lozovsky |
Copy Nº 8 - to Silin Copy Nº 9 - to the 10th Department Copy Nº 10 - to file
CHONGQING Nº 32840 9:40 28 November 1945 Copy Nº 2
Spets. Nº 832
In addition to Nº 825, 826 (incoming 32698) (handwritten: "see N 12236" and some illegible letters/initials)
The rally of the Manchurian fellow countrymen convened on 25 November by the "Association for the Revival of Manchuria" and the Chongqing community of Manchurians poured over into an open anti-Soviet meeting. Anti-Soviet leaflets were distributed among those who had gathered and shouts rang out that the USSR "had attacked China", and that the USSR "had violated the Soviet-Chinese treaty". The Communist press writes that the rally was a tool of a reactionary group of the CC, and CC members Wangwang [SIC] Xing[zh]ou and Wang Hanshen (a member of the presidium of the youth league of the Three People's Principles) had led the rally.
The text of wishes addressed to Chiang Kai-shek [Jiang Jieshi] was distributed among those present in the form of leaflets. In these leaflet "wishes" the current situation in Manchuria was openly likened to "a repetition of the events of 18 September 1931", and it was pointed out that the USSR had used the Soviet-Chinese treaty as a tool of aggression against China, and the like.
I considered it necessary in a meeting with Wang Shijie to direct his attention to the fact of the organization in the capital of a clearly anti-Soviet rally that cannot be reconciled with the existing friendly relations between the USSR and China, and to ask that proper measures be taken to avert such assemblies in the future.
Request instructions.
MEMO: [In] Nº Nº 325, 326 of 26 November Cde. Petrov sent information about an anti-Soviet campaign in connection with Manchuria.
10 copies. yes.
sent 28/November 1700
vyp. Nikitin
Authenticated: [handwritten: copy]
2027/N12291 [illegible letters]
In implementation of the instructions of Cde. Stalin on the attached telegram from Chongqing Nº 32840 per Cde. Molotov's instructions Cde. Lozovsky sent a telegram Nº 19932 to Chongqing on 30 November about agreement with the suggestion of Cde. Petrov.
8 December 1945 [signed] Podtserob
A Soviet diplomat describes "anti-Soviet" feeling in China.
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