Molotov, Beria, Malenkov, and Mikoyan agree with Stalin's positions on radium deposits in Czechoslovakia as well as the withdrawl of American and Soviet troops from Czechoslovakia.
November 4, 1945
Cable, Stalin to Cdes. Molotov, Beria, Malenkov, Mikoyan, and the 3rd Unit
This document was made possible with support from Blavatnik Family Foundation
Sent to Cdes. Molotov, Beria, Malenkov, Mikoyan, and the 3rd Unit
from SOCHI
sent at 0300 4 November 1945
arrived at the VKP CC for decipherment at 0325 4 November 1945
Incoming Nº 3524/sh
1. As is evident from the materials the Czechoslovaks do not want to create a mixed company for radium and other metals of interest. The motives are known. I consider it advisable to abandon the principle of a mixed company and agree to [a/the] proposal of the Czechs which ensures our interests on this question in fact.
2. In his last message Truman proposes a simultaneous withdrawal of American and Soviet troops from Czechoslovakia, timing this matter to 1 December of this year. I think that it is necessary to agree with Truman’s proposal. If the four also agree with this, then I can write a corresponding reply to Truman on condition that the Czechoslovak government has no objections to this.
Deciphered at 0400 4 November 1945. Four copies printed Khokhlov
Stalin discusses the Czechoslovaks' reluctance to create a joint radium company and President Truman's desire for a simultaneous withdrawal of American and Soviet troops from Czechoslovakia by December 1, 1945.
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