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May 17, 1998

Cable, US Embassy Islamabad to the Secretary of State, 'Pakistan: Talbott Mission, First Stop -- The Woodshed'

Strobe Talbott and Gohar Ayub Khan debate Pakistan's response to India's nuclear tests.

Related Documents

April 4, 1994

Cable, US Embassy Islamabad to the Secretary of State, 'India-Day 2; On to Islamabad'

Strobe Talbott summarizes a meeting with P. V. Narasimha Rao, the Prime Minister of India.

May 17, 1998

Cable, US Embassy Islamabad to the Secretary of State, 'Pakistan PM Sharif's Meeting with Depsec Talbott'

Strobe Talbott and the Prime Minister of Pakistan Nawaz Sharif discuss Pakistan's possible testing of a nuclear weapon following India's Pokhran-II tests.

September 8, 1998

Memo from Strobe Talbott to Bruce Riedel

In the wake of India's nuclear tests, Strobe Talbott weighs different scenarios for a possible trip by President Clinton to South Asia.

June 4, 1998

Memo from Strobe Talbott to Sandy Berger

Strobe Talbott outlines international efforts against India and Pakistan following nuclear tests by both countries.

June 1998

Information Memorandum from Burgess Laird for Ambassador Bill Richardson, 'CFR Dinner Meeting with Jaswant Singh'

Burgess Laird summarizes Jasawant Singh's comments at a recent CFR dinner. Notes from an internal Department of State meeting about the US approach to India and Pakistan are also included with Laird's memo.

June 4, 1998

Cable, US Embassy New Delhi to the US Mission Geneva, 'My Meeting with Jaswant Singh'

The US Ambassador to India met with Jasawant Singh to discuss US-India relations following the Pokhran-II nuclear tests.

July 13, 1998

Letter, Strobe Talbott to Jaswant Singh

Strobe Talbott writes to Jasawant Singh about Indo-US relations, India's nuclear policy, and the CTBT.

August 1998

Letter, Strobe Talbott to Jaswant Singh (Draft)

Strobe Talbott writes to Jaswant Singh about India's nuclear weapons.

November 27, 1998

Memorandum to General Ralston, VCJCS, from Strobe Talbott

Talbott writes to General Ralston on a policy of "no-first-use" of nuclear weapons being promoted by NATO allies, the European Security and Defence Identity (ESDI), and India and Pakistan. He summarizes his recent communications with Jaswant Singh.

December 28, 1998

Letter, Strobe Talbott to Jaswant Singh

Talbott writes to Jaswant Singh about India's nuclear policy.

February 8, 1999

Cable, US Embassy New Delhi to the Secretary of State, 'Deputy Secretary Talbott's February 1 Meeting with Indian Prime Minister Vajpayee'

Talbott and Vajpayee discuss Indo-US relations, India's military and nuclear policy, and New Delhi's concerns about Pakistan and China.

February 18, 2000

Cable, Secretary of State to the US Embassy New Delhi, 'Deputy Secretary and India's Foreign Secretary on POTUS Trip and Security Issues'

Strobe Talbott and Lalit Mansingh discuss a possible POTUS trip to Pakistan and India.

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Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Case Number F-2017-13804, Doc No. C06720647, US Department of State Virtual Reading Room.


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