Telegram from Kim Il Sung to Stalin stating the current situation of the armistice talks and the pressure which is being exerted upon North Korea by uninhibited American air power. He makes a request for additional anti-aircraft support from the Soviet Union and China, which he believes will lead to a more advantageous bargaining position at the negotiating table.
July 17, 1952
Ciphered telegram, Filippov (Stalin) to Mao Zedong
Transmit to Comrade MAO ZEDONG the following answer:
“Comrade MAO ZEDONG.
We consider your position in the negotiations on an armistice to be completely correct.
Today we received a report from Pyongyang that Comrade KIM IL SUNG also agrees with your position.
16 July 1952”
Telegraph the fulfillment.
Telegram from Stalin to Mao expressing his and Kim Il Sung's agreement with Mao's bargaining position at the armistice talks.
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