Decision to entrust Vyshinsky to print in the Soviet press the documents found in the archives of the Syngman Rhee government, seized when the communists took Seoul.
September 13, 1950
Ciphered telegram, Shtykov to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Moscow
From Pyongyang Sent 13.9.50 Received
13.9. 13:15
Sent to the 8th Department of the General Staff of the Armed Forces 13.9 13:22.
By telegraph.
Extremely urgent.
Moscow—Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR.
In connection with the forthcoming session of the [UN] General Assembly, we consider it advisable to recommend to the government of the Korean People's Democratic Republic to send a statement to the General Assembly and the Security Council, in which, on the basis of documents found in the archives of the Rhee Syngmann [South Korean] government, to show how the clique of RHEE SYNGMANN prepared an attack on the north, to set forth once again the position of the government of the Korean People's Democratic Republic on the question of the illegality of the American intervention in Korea, to illuminate the barbaric acts of the American armed forces in Korea and to demand the adoption of measures for the immediate cessation of the American intervention and the withdrawal from Korea of the troops of the foreign interventionists.
In addition to this statement [we advise] to send to the General Assembly and the Security Council photocopies of the documents to which reference will be made in the statement of the government of the Korean People's Democratic Republic.
In such case as you agree to this proposal, we ask you to communicate when it would be convenient to send such a statement.
We would consider it advisable also to inform the government of the Korean People's Democratic Republic about the position which the Soviet delegation in the General Assembly will take on the Korean question.
We ask your orders.
No. 1154/sh.
13 September of this year
Copies: Stalin (2), Molotov, Malenkov, Beria,
Mikoyan, Kaganovich, Bulganin, Khrushchev, Vyshinsky, File of 8th Department.
Telegram from Shtykov to Moscow requesting that they advise the DPRK government to prepare for the upcoming UN General Assembly session and a statement of the position the Soviet Union will take at the upcoming UNGA session.
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