August 6, 1958
Code Message No. 8226 from Deputy Director Wierna to Mazur (Prague)
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August 6, code message of director general to the ambassador in Prague
regarding nuclear-free zone consultations
Warsaw, August 6, 1958
CODE MESSAGE cNo h8226h 8238 August 6, 15.00 hrsc
As a supplement to our letter No D. I. Cz. 0862/13/58 of July 28 of this year, I hereby inform that today, during Winiewicz’s visit, Wojaczek returned to the CSR motion, underlining that they wish us to show a positive stance to this matter.2[1] Winiewicz presented our doubts; he informed that you will present our view in detail to the comrades in Prague. Please do this cveryc urgently with respect to David.
Underline that we understand and appreciate the intention behind the CSR initiative; after careful consideration we do have serious doubts as to the effects of raising matter at the UN forum. Arguments:
- Use Winiewicz’s arguments from his conversation with Wojaczek.
2) The Canadian reply to the Rapacki Plan demonstrates that there are more possibilities for action on our part in favor of the zone in Central Europe, a cregionc of our camp.3[2] (We gave a copy of hthish cCanandianc note to Wojaczek to take it to Prague).
3) Launching a campaign around Plan R. at the 13th UN session would not be advisable, because it is proposed as a point for a summit discussion on disarmament. This is also related to our stance to the disarmament discussion at the UN, cwhere now the disarmament talks have been halted.c4[3]
4) The proposal to establish many nuclear-free zones would, to a great extent, shift attention from the denuclearization of the German area, and at the same time, it would be construed as a tacit form of introducing a universal ban on nuclear weapons.
c5)c As to the chances of initiating such zones in other regions, it appears that each cnewc motion, if it were to be put hwith respect to other regions,h it [would need to be done] in a new form, in a specific situation and with respect to a specific environment, and therefore depending on a complex of conditions that hspeakh for cwould speakforc the initiative to 'catch on'. Otherwise it would conlyc channel resistance.
c6)c Were the motion to be turned down at the UN, it would make difficult diplomatic action by our countries for a zone in Central Europe hwhich wonh and cstill hasca solid ground in public opinion.
h5)h c7c On his vacation in the USSR comrade Rapacki had an opportunity to speak with comrades from the MID [Ministry of Foreign Affairs]. On this basis we believe that the soviet comrades share the cprinciplesc of our view on nuclear-free zones.
Please notify us in conversation.
AMSZ, ZD 6/77, w. 60, t. 837
2 See doc. no 74; see also doc. no 200.
3 The reference is to the Canadian note of July 17, which rejected the Rapacki Plan, and at the same did not preclude further talks on an accord limited to a given region or a certain kind of weapons.
4 The reference is to the Soviet withdrawal from the UN Disarmament Commission in November 1957 (due to the rejection of the resolution to set up a permanent commission made up of all the UN members).
Code Message from Wierna to the Ambassador in Prague discusses the potential effects of raising a campaign for the Rapacki Plan at the UN forum.
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