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September 18, 1955

Communist Activity in Aleppo

This document was made possible with support from Youmna and Tony Asseily


Aleppo, Sep 18th, 1955

Communist Activity in Aleppo


Communist meetings are occurring more after the Khalid Bekdash’s party and his visit to Aleppo.  It’s true that the communists had decided to incite the youth and students to demonstrations to spread chaos and anger in the country, and ruin the current regime’s reputation and get the people and groups to realize that the Syrian people are dissatisfied with Al-Quwatli’s election, and that he is the enemy of stability and he agrees with America, the Jews and Turkey.

In those meetings, they are promoting the following:

- Russia will always be against European and Turkish pressure, and that it is always ready to supports the Arabs and protect them from imperialism.

- The Syrian people are aware of America’s intentions and its support for the Jews.  They have decided to be against military alliances.

- The Syrian nation and the Arabs have boycott the United States, which the friend of the Jews and the enemy of the Arabs.

- Boycotting France for its aggression and oppression in Marrakesh and the Arab Maghreb.

- The importance of strengthening ties with the Soviet Union, the friend of the Arabs, Syria and the Syrian [people].  On the other hand, they are calling on the youth and workers to attend “the Damascus International Fair,” especially the Soviet wing, and to assure the youth and workers that they will be receiving financial assistance and compensation.  These are mainly communists from Damascus.  The communists were able to get thousands of young people to visit the Fair and the Soviet wing in it.


After Khalid Bekdash's visit to Aleppo, communist meetings focus on Russian engagement and the West's malicious intentions.


Document Information


Emir Farid Chehab Collection, GB165-0384, Box 12, File 116/12, Middle East Centre Archive, St Antony’s College, Oxford.


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Youmna and Tony Asseily