March 30, 1951
Communist Activity in Aleppo and Northern Syria
This document was made possible with support from Youmna and Tony Asseily
Your Correspondent in Aleppo
Mar 30, 1951
Communist Activity in Aleppo and Northern Syria
- The communist organizations are still active in forming “Peace Supporters” groups and setting branches for them in every neighborhood in Aleppo.
- The communists are continuing to take down memos from the committees about the visits by General Robertson, and the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. McGee, and the Anglo-American countries insisting on bringing Syria to their side in preparation for getting it mired in the coming war against Russia to wipe it from existence.
- The communists are conducting major propaganda against the Anglo-Americans that they are driving the Israeli Army to attack the Arabs (illegible), thus attacking the Syrian Army situated along the border. This in the hopes of tightening the grip on the Syrian government to force it toward the west and against Soviet Russia.
- The communists have distributed the 83rd issue of the secret publication, “The People’s Voice,” in Aleppo and Northern Syria. Attached is a folded copy of this publication for your attention. In it, you will find the complete text of Stalin’s declarations to the “Pravda” correspondent.
- Likewise, the communists distributed the 82nd issue of “The People’s Struggle,” which has an outrageous article titled, “People in Syria and Lebanon Receive the Anglo-American General Robertson with Indignation and Condemnation.” People’s Damascus stands up tall in the face of occupation projects and imperialist wars under the protection of rifles, bayonets and police patrols. Upon Robertson’s arrival in Damascus, Popular demonstrations and violence against the police and security broke out in the city, as well as in Beirut, Tripoli, Homs and Aleppo. A copy of this publication has been mailed to you for your attention.
- The communists are still publishing everything about Marrakesh’s struggle against the French to incite Arab anger and animosity against France. They are not relenting from pursuing groups, clubs, coops and neighborhoods to spread these news against France.
- They also distributed today, Mar 30, 1951, small fliers around the country containing the following titles, “America and its Allies, England and France Defeated.”
“The Peace Supporters” distributed these fliers while security forces were unable to capture them since they came out at the same time in all neighborhoods in Aleppo. I’ve attached a copy to this correspondence.
Your Correspondent
Communist organizations work to form "Peace Supporters" groups and conduct propaganda campaigns against American involvement in the region.
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