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January 24, 1960

Comrade N.S. Khrushchev’s Note on a Memorandum to Japan

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Comrade N.S. Khrushchev’s Note on a Memorandum to Japan

January 25, 1960

I believe that we do not need to especially fixate on America right now because we want to improve relations, but in this note we represent America as an aggressor. We do not need to do this. We need to say quite shortly that this treaty effectively denies the actual independence of Japan, that Japan will be occupied by foreign troops, which will continue their stay after Japan’s surrender, and consequently, our promise regarding the transfer of H[abomai] and S[hikotan] in the event of a signed peace treaty is now being changed in connection with the fact that a different situation is emerging, because Japan’s territory is being used by foreign troops. We consider this as being directed against the Soviet Union and the People’s [Republic] of China, and therefore cannot support the inclusion of these islands in the composition of Japan, and thus the expansion of its territory.

Weare declaring that provided there is a withdraw of all foreign troops from the territory of Japan and a peace treaty is signed by the Soviet Union with Japan, there will be a transfer of these islands, as was stipulated by the agreement signed………with Hatoyama.

We need to present this document on 3-4 pages. Here we mainly need to strike a chord of national independence, to say, that they will lose independence. Foreign troops will be in the country, meaning, the country is already limited in its actions.

Khrushchev suggests to not frame America as an aggressor and offers to focus on the issue of Japanese national independence. He announces that Japan can only return to the Japanese with the departure of foreign troops

Document Information


RGANI, f. 52, op. 1, d. 598, ll. 61. Contributed by Sergey Radchenko and translated by Allison Smith.


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Blavatnik Family Foundation