February 7, 1936
Concerning Negotiations with Ma Zhongying of the 36th Devision of the National Revolutionary Army
This document was made possible with support from MacArthur Foundation
RGASPI f. 17, op. 162, d.19, l. 44.
[handwritten at the top of the page: from Minutes Nº 36 of the Politburo meeting of 8 February 1936
Point 418 is in classified storage]
of 7 February 1936
418. Concerning Xinjiang
Accept Ma Zhongying’s proposal and recommend that the Urpra [Urumqi Government] agree to appropriate concessions in peace talks with the 36th Division.
Excerpts have been sent to:
Cdes. Stomonyakov and Frinovsky.
The Politburo accepts Ma Zhongying's proposal and recommends that the Urumqi government agree to appropriate concessions in peace talks with the 36th Division.
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