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July 29, 1937

Concerning Soviet Military Operations in Xinjiang

[handwritten]: MINUTES Nº 51 of the

POLITBURO Decisions between 20 June and 31 July 1937

[handwritten at the top of the page: point 429 is in classified storage].


Decisions of 29 July 1937




429. Concerning Xinjiang.


1. Do not release Machuin [SIC, presumably Ma Zhongying].


2. Recommend the governor avoid an agreement with Ma Hshang.


3. Introduce two regiments with aircraft and tanks into Xinjiang no further south than the Maral-Vashi line to prevent the advance of the 36th Division to the north.


4. Charge the Border Protection Directorate with sending a new military adviser to the location of Cde. Fedin together with a small group of commanders. Charge Cdes. Voroshilov and Frinovsky with coming to agreement regarding the rest of our military instructors who are in Xinjiang.


5. Permit the acceptance into Central Asian University of a new group of 50 Xinjiang youth in the autumn of 1937.


Excerpts have been sent:


to Cdes. Litvinov and Frinovsky - everything.





The Politburo orders two regiments be sent into Xinjiang to prevent the advance of the 36th Division. It also orders that Ma Zhongying continue to be detained and recommends that the governor of Xinjiang avoid an agreement with Ma Hushan.

Document Information


RGASPI F.17 op. 162, d. 20 l.115. Obtained by Jamil Hasanli and translated by Gary Goldberg.


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