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January 5, 1959

Decree of the CPSU Central Committee and USSR Council of Ministers on Biomedical Research

This document was made possible with support from Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)

Nº 22-10


January 5, 1959

Top Secret


In order to increase scientific-research work in the field of medical and biological support to spaceflight the CPSU Central Committee and USSR Council of Ministers DECREES to:[1]


1. Consider the solution of all questions associated with the medical and biological support of manned spaceflight a very important mission of the USSR Ministry of Defense, the USSR Academy of Sciences, and the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences.


2. Hold the USSR Ministry of Defense together with the USSR Academy of Sciences, the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, the State Committee of the USSR Council of Ministers for Aviation Technology, and the State Committee of the USSR Council of Ministers for Defense Technology responsible for developing and approving within two months a comprehensive plan to conduct scientific-research and experimental work in the institutes and design bureaus of these organizations regarding medical and biological support to manned spaceflight, providing in it:


- the study of the effect on a human of the main factors of spaceflight: weightlessness, prolonged accelerations of varying amounts, temperature, and cosmic and other radiation;


- the design and manufacture of equipment and apparatuses to support manned spaceflight


- the development of a system to select and train crew members in ground conditions for spaceflight.


3. Reorganize the Scientific-Research and TestingInstitute of Aviation Medicine of the USSR Ministry of Defense into the State Scientific-Research and Testing Institute of Aviation and Space Medicine of the first category.


Increase the strength of this institute by 100 people, including by 60 officers (by reducing the number subject to reduction in accordance with the USSR Council of Ministers decree Nº 41 of 6 January 1958).[2]


4. Recommend that the USSR Academy of Sciences and the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences assign the best scientists to the appropriate departments of the State Scientific-Research and Testing Institute of Aviation and Space Medicine of the USSR Ministry of Defense as science leaders or consultants with the goal of speeding up the solution of problems associated with the support spaceflight.


5. Charge USSR Gosplan together with the USSR Ministry of Defense with examining and solving the question of the creation of an appropriate material and technical base in the State Scientific-Research and Testing Institute of Aviation and Space Medicine, proceeding from the necessity of ensuring the accomplishment by this Institute of the tasks entrusted to it.


6. Hold the USSR Ministry of Defense responsible for reporting to the CPSU CC and USSR Council of Ministers annually about the progress of the work concerning the medical and biological support of spaceflight.





Archival source: APRF, f. 93. Collection of Decrees for 1960. Certified copy.



[1] This was formally approved in a January 5, 1959 decree of the Presidium of the CPSU CC, minutes Nº 200, point 14,“On Strengthening Scientific-Research Work in the Field of Biomedical Support to Spaceflight” (see: APRF, f. 3, op. 47, d. 274. l. 93). No signatories. There is a mastic seal, “Directorate of Administration of the USSR Council of Minister. General Office.”

[2] This refers to the USSR Council of Ministers decree Nº 41 of January 6, 1958, “A Reduction of the Strength of the Armed Forces” (see GARF. f. R-5446, op. 1, d. 672. l. 98).

[1] This was formally approved in a January 5, 1959 decree of the Presidium of the CPSU CC, minutes Nº 200, point 14,“On Strengthening Scientific-Research Work in the Field of Biomedical Support to Spaceflight” (see: APRF, f. 3, op. 47, d. 274. l. 93). No signatories. There is a mastic seal, “Directorate of Administration of the USSR Council of Minister. General Office.”

Central Committee and Council of Ministers Decree titled “On Strengthening Scientific-Research Work in the Field of Biomedical Support to Spaceflight” that transformed the Institute of Aviation Medicine to the Institute of Aviation and Space Medicine.

Document Information


Selected, edited, and annotated by Asif Siddiqi. Translated by Gary Goldberg and Angela Greenfield.


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Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)