October 11, 1960
Decree of the CPSU Central Committee and USSR Council of Ministers on the Object Vostok-3A
This document was made possible with support from Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)
Nº 1110-462
October 11, 1960
Top Secret
of special importance
The CPSU Central Committee and USSR Council of Ministers DECREES to:[1]
1. Adopt the proposal[2] of the State Committee of the USSR Council of Ministersfor Defense Technology, the State Committee of the USSR Council of Ministersfor Radio-Electronics, the USSR Ministry of Defense, the State Committee of the USSR Council of Ministersfor Shipbuilding, the State Committee of the USSR Council of Ministersfor Aviation Technology, and the USSR Academy of Sciences, considered and approved by the Commission of the Presidium of the USSR Council of Ministers for Military-Industrial Questions on the preparation for and the launch of a manned spacecraft (object Vostok-3A) in December 1960, considering this a task of especial importance.
2. In a change to the CPSU CC [Central Committee] and USSR Council of Ministers Decree Nº 587-2383 of June 4, 1960 move the deadline:
a) for the preparation for the launch of the Elektron satellite to March-April 1961;
b) the creation and launch of the Luna satellite (object Ye-7) to the end of 1961;
c) the creation of an automated science station on the surface of the Moon (object Ye-6) by one quarter.
3. Hold the State Committee of the USSR Council of Ministersfor Defense Technology responsible for preparing a schedule for the manufacture of Vostok-3A objects for 1960 coordinated with related departments, and the Commission of the Presidium of the USSR Council of Ministers for Military-Industrial Questions is to approve this schedule.
Archival source: APRF, f. 3, op. 47, d. 277, l. 105Certifiedcopy on a form. Originally published withabridgments in Izvestiia TsK KPSS no. 5 (1991): 103.
[1] The draft decree was approved on October 11, 1960 at a CPSU CC Presidium meeting (Nº P305/X).
[2] For the proposal, dated September 10, 1960, to carry out a human spaceflight in December 1960, see Document 8.
Decree issued by the Central Committee and the Council of Ministers entitled “On the Object Vostok-3A” approving the plan to carry out a human spaceflight in December 1960.
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