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January 24, 1963

Diary Entry of Amintore Fanfani for 24 January 1963 [Excerpt]

This document was made possible with support from Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)

24 gennaio

Il Consiglio approva la mia azione e relazione su Washington ed il ritiro delle basi con il 1°aprile, dando mandato agli Esteri ed alla Difesa di eseguire. Sostituzione dei Polaris, ma non da basi italiane. Adesione alla forza multilaterale Nato, con partecipazione alla costituzione, al controllo, al comando, senza direttori a tre.

24th January

The Council approves my action and report on Washington and the withdrawal of the [Jupiter] bases on April 1st, giving a mandate to Foreign Affairs and Defense to carry out. Replacement by Polaris, but NOT from Italian bases. Adhesion to the NATO multilateral force, with participation in the constitution, control, command, without any trilateral directorate [reference to De Gaulle’s 1958 US-UK-France directorate proposal].

In his diary, Fanfani recorded that the Council of Ministers has approved his report on the talks with President Kennedy and the recommendation to withdraw the Jupiters on April 1, 1963. The Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defense would have a “mandate” to implement the withdrawal. As agreed, the Jupiters would be replaced by Polaris, and the latter would not be based in Italy. Italy would support a NATO multilateral force, without the tripartite directorate that De Gaulle had espoused.


Document Information


Archivio Storico del Senato della repubblica Italiana, Amintore Fanfani, Diari, vol. IV, 1960-1963. Translated by Leopoldo Nuti.


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Diary Entry


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Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)