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April 26, 1966

Directive, CPSU CC Politburo to Cde. Roshchin, Soviet Representative in Geneva

Per Point 21, Prot. No. 3






Soviet Representative – Cde. Roshchin


In discussions with representatives of the U.S.A. and Sweden in the Committee of 18, you should probe the issue of to what extent the proposal to create a “detection club” could be used in the interests of achieving agreement on banning underground tests of nuclear weapons.


In discussions state that, in our opinion, the idea of creating a “detection club” deserves attention if by this path it would be possible to come to a conclusion of a treaty on a ban on underground testing of nuclear weapons. Emphasize that states participating in the “detection club” should not, of course, owing to that take on themselves any obligations to conduct international inspections and monitoring on their territory, and that presentation by them of seismic data could be implemented only on a good will basis and that evaluation of collected data would be done not by any international organ, but by each state for itself.


In discussions with the Swedes, say that we are paying attention to the fact that the idea of a “detection club” put forward by them is based on the principle of the use of national means of detection.


In the case that other delegations turn to you on the issue of the “detection club,” be guided by the position outlined above.


For your information, we advise that the Swedes sounded out the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Polish People’s Republic on the issue of whether Poland would take part in the conference called by Sweden at the end of May of this year in Stockholm on the issue of the creation of a “detection club.” They stated, meanwhile, that they are proposing to invite Romania and the OAR [United Arab Republic] as well to the conference.

In response to the appeal of our Polish friends for advice, we expressed our positive regard to Poland’s participation in this conference. Meanwhile, it was emphasized that the participation of representatives of Socialist countries in this conference, in our opinion, must first of all pursue the goal of clarification of specific issues connected with the creation of a “detection club,” and those principles on the basis of which, in our opinion, such a club could be created were laid out.

Telegraph when carried out.


Soviets contact the ambassador in Geneva about possible discussions with the Swedes and the Polish about the "detection club".

Document Information


RGANI, f.3, op.72, d.4, ll. 108-109. Contributed by Anna Pan and translated by Theresa Billow-Supple


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