June 5, 1959
Division of International Affairs, US Atomic Energy Commission, Memorandum of Conversation with Norwegian Foreign Ministry
June 9,1959
Conversation of June 5, 1959 – 10:00 AM NorwegianForeign Ministry
Oslo, Norway
Mr. OlafSOLLI,Foreign Ministry official in charge ofatomic energy matters.
Mr. William M. FULLERTON, Division of InternationalAffairs,
U.S. Atomic Energy Commission
I called on Mr. Solli at his request. During the meeting Mr. Solli informed me of anagreementbetween the Government of Norway and the Government of Israel which agreement is consideredby the respective Governmentsas being “Secret”.
The agreementprovides for safeguardsand inspection rights in connection with the sale of heavy water by a Norwegianfirm(Noratom) to the Government of Israel. Mr. Solli explained that the agreementand the sale of heavy watercouldbe terminated in the event of non-compliance with the provisions of the safeguardsarticle. He further explained that it also provides for transferring the safeguardsfunctionat the future date to the IAEAas mutually agreedbetween the parties.
In order that the Government of Norway would not be put in a difficultpolitical position andjeopardize the competitive status of a Norwegian fertilizer plant in Egyptby issuing an export licensefor the export of the heavy water directly fromNoratom to Israel, Noratom purchased heavy water from the U.K. (whichhad originally been sold to the U.K.byNoratom)andshipped the heavy water from the U.S. thus avoiding the issuance of the export license in Norway.
Mr. Solli stated this appropriate U.K.officialshadbeeninformed of the agreement with Israel and wishedalso to inform the U.S. Government in order that the bilateralagreementbetween the U.S.and Norway might in no way be affected.He urged,however,that the conversation be kept in strictconfidence.
With 30 December 1960 routing slip [transcript attached]
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