May 4, 1942
Excerpt from Operations Log of the Urumqi Military Hospital
This document was made possible with support from MacArthur Foundation
x) "not sent"
illegible initials]
Excerpt from the operations log of the Urumqi Military Hospital
At 2100 19 March 1942 SHENG SHIQI was brought to the hospital with a perforating bullet wound of the head. During examination it was noted that: all the clothing, the face, and the head were bloody with a mixture of brain matter. The entry wound was 2 x 2 cm in diameter and to the right of the earflap. The earflap and the surrounding region 4 cm around contained powder burns. Blood and brain matter were flowing out of the entry wound. There was a 1 x 2 cm exit wound to the left of the front of the head, two fingers above the eyebrow. There was arterial bleeding from the exit wound containing brain matter and bleeding with brain matter from the nose and the mouth cavity. The patient was in an unconscious state. The pulse was slow and tense. During palpation there was a shattering of the bones of the skull on the right and left. An operation was conducted to quickly halt the arterial bleeding. The patient died in an hour.
Diagnosis: a splintered skull fracture: temporal and parietal on the right, frontal and temporal on the left; fracture of the base of the skull; crushing and discharge of brain matter, as a consequence of a small-arms bullet wound.
REPORT: 1. Death came from an unquestionably fatal brain injury.
2. The shot was made in direct proximity to the skull or with the barrel applied to the head, as a consequence of which the skin was burned, the bones of the skull were fractured, and brain matter crushed by the gases from the shot.
Original signatures: Chief of the Medical Department General (Hu-ru-bi, seal). Senior Instructor of the Medical Department (A. Lepin, seal).
Doctor Surgeon (P. Braude).
4 May 1942
Authenticated: [illegible woman's name]
The record describes the fatal injuries suffered Sheng Shiqi, the Commander of the Mechanized Brigade of Xinjiang, and brother of Sheng Shicai.
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