December 1, 1991
Folder No. 105 [List of Documents about the Katyn Massacre]
Folder Nº 105
- 9 November 1939: 2, 3, 4, and 6 December 1939; 14 and 17 January 1940. Excerpts from the minutes of VKP(b) CC Politburo meetings about the procedure for detaining and considering the cases of Polish prisoners of war [POWs].
- 5 March 1940 Report of L. P. Beria to Stalin and the VKP(b) CC Politburo decision about the execution [rasstrel] of Polish POWs. [Translator’s note: rasstrel means execution by shooting]
- 12 August 1941 from the USSR SNK [Council of People’s Commissars] and VKP(b) CC decree about the procedure for releasing and sending [home] Polish citizens amnestied by the USSR VS [Supreme Soviet] Presidium Decree.
- 3 March 1959 Report of A. Shelepin to Khrushchev with a suggestion about destroying the files [del] for executed Polish citizens.
- 12 April, 15 April 1971 Report of A. Gromyko to the CPSU CC, excerpt from a CPSU CC Politburo meeting, instructions to the ambassador in London about the propaganda campaign about the “Katyn Affair”.
- 27 February, 2 March 1973 Report of V. Kuznetsov to the CPSU CC, excerpt from the minutes of a CPSU CC Politburo meeting, instructions to the ambassador in London about the continuation of the campaign concerning the “Katyn affair”.
- 30 March, 5 April 1976 Report of Yu. Andropov and V. Kuznetsov to the CPSU CC, excerpt from the minutes of a CPSU CC Politburo meeting concerning the “Katyn affair”.
- 26 April, 5 May, 28 June, 5 July, 1 September 1988 CPSU CC documents about building [obustroystvo] the place of burial of Polish officers in Katyn and the expansion of the access of the citizens of the PNR and of other countries, the “Katyn Affair” (s short memo).
- 6 March, 22 March, 31 March, 22 April 1989 CPSU CC documents about the transfer to Warsaw of symbolic remains [prakh] from the burial of the Polish officers in Katyn.
- 22 February, 3 November 1990, 25 January, 17 May, 3 September, 28 November 1991 Correspondence between Soviet President M. S. Gorbachev and the USSR Procuracy about the investigation of the Katyn tragedy.
A list of Soviet era documents about the Katyn massacre produced from November 1939 through November 1991.
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