August 23, 1971
HSWP CC Foreign Affairs Department Proposal on the financial support for the Israeli Communist Party
Hungarian Socialist Worker’s Party Central Committee Foreign Affairs Department | STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL! Made in: 2 copies Budapest, 23 August 1971
submitted to the Secretariat
At the invitation of the Hungarian Socialist Worker’s Party the delegation of the Central Committee of the Israeli Communist Party, headed by David Khenin, member of the Politburo and secretary of the Central Committee, paid a goodwill visit to Hungary between 5 and 18 this month.
During the negotiations the leader of the delegation requested the Central Committee of HSWP to grant financial support to the Central Committee of the sister party which was struggling with financial difficulties.
In the past few years we have provided the Israeli sister party with support in the amount of USD 13,000 including both in kind and financial aid.
We propose to satisfy the Israeli request and award them a one-off in cash in the amount of USD 5000. This amount should be sent by the Foreign Affairs Department of the CC.
The Department of Party Economy and Management has approved of this proposal.
/András Gyenes/
This is a proposal by the Hungarian Foreign Affairs Department to grant 5000 USD in financial aid to the Israeli Communist Party.
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