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November 9, 1946

Incoming Cable No. 2030, Druzhkov [Stalin] to Cde. Molotov

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from SOCHI sent at 1400 9 November 1946

arrived in the VKP(b) CC for decipherment at 1425 9 November 1946


Incoming Nº 2030/sh




1. I agree with your suggestion about establishing control [Translator’s note: kontrol’, which can also mean “monitoring”, but is chosen here because of the firm expression “arms control”] and inspection of the reduction of armaments and a prohibition on the use of atomic energy for military purposes. It would be good to just separate control of the prohibition on the use of atomic energy from control of a reduction of armaments. They need to be separated from one another since controlling a prohibition on the use of atomic energy can and should be constant, whereas in my opinion the control of the reduction of armaments ought not be constant (after a reduction of armaments and establishing that the armaments have been reduced control is no longer needed and is not to our advantage).


It also ought to be borne in mind that reduction should affect not only ground forces, but also the navy and air force. Without this a reduction of forces is wishful thinking. In years past the British government submitted its specific proposals on arms reduction to the League of Nations; you ought to get your hands on these documents and use [them] as material.


I think that it is more to our advantage not to introduce a special proposal about control and inspection, but to adopt the proposal of the Americans as an addendum to our main proposal, and then the entire proposal as a whole can be qualified as a Russian-American proposal. Think about this question and act as you see fit.


2. I agree with your proposal about the veto. I view instructions about the use of the right of the veto as an instruction for internal use, as it ensues from your proposal. In speeches it needs to be stressed that we have never misused the right of a veto.




Deciphered at 1535 9 November 1946  two copies printed. Nezlobin



A cable discussing nuclear arms control. Stalin agrees with Molotov on control of nuclear weapons and arms reductions, but believes they should be considered separately. He also believes arms reduction must encompass naval and aerial forces.


Document Information


RGASPI, f. 558, op. 11, d. 102, ll. 0033-0036ob. Contributed by Sergey Radchenko and translated by Gary Goldberg.


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Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)