Egon Krenz writes to Mengistu Haile Mariam of Ethiopia with news of forthcoming East German military aid.
March 30, 1988
Information about the Status of the Operation Ethiopia (30 March 1988, 15:00 Hours)
This document was made possible with support from The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
Information about the Status of the Operation Ethiopia
(30 March 1988, 15:00 Hours)
The first IL 62 of Interflug has departed today at 12:30 hours with handguns and ammunitions.
The provision is running at full blast. Concentration points are [Berlin] Schönefeld Airport and the MfS [Ministry for State Security; Stasi] Camp Segelfliegerdamm. Until 24:00 hours 710 tons will have been assembled there.
All participating organs are working with high precision and reliability. The provision will be completed by 1 April 1988 (see appendix).
The main problem is to obtain the overflight clearances for Interflug. After the granting of the requested overflight clearance, the next flight is possible not earlier than 8 April 1988.
Today afternoon negotiations will be launched with charter airlines Cargolux and Martinair [a Dutch charter airline ] (a DC-10 from this airline will land today at Schönefeld).
Depending on the results of these negotiations, tomorrow there will be an information about future flights. The aircraft of these companies can transport between 60 and 100 tons.
Schedule of Provisions
1. MfNV [Ministry for National Defense] | 30 March 1988 | 18:00 Hours | 24 loading platforms | 7,500 AKM |
| 24 loading platforms | 4.5 Million M-43 |
| 31 March 1988 | 18:00 Hours | 24 loading platforms | 7,500 AKM |
| 24 loading platforms | 4.5 Million M-43 |
| 1 April 1988 | 12:00 Hours | 24 loading platforms | 4.5 Million M-43 |
| 8 loading platforms | 10,000 uniforms |
| 8 loading platforms | 2,000 RPG-18 (Koko[1]) |
2. MdI [Ministry of the Interior] | 30 March 1988 | 23:00 Hours | 40 loading platforms | Arms and Amunitions |
| 31 March 1988 | 23:00 Hours | 40 loading platforms | Arms and Amunitions |
| 10 loading platforms | 10,000 uniforms |
| 10,000 shoes |
| 2,000 belts
3. MfS | 30 March 1988 | until 24:00 Hours |
| all products |
4. Koko | 30 March 1988 | until 24:00 Hours |
| all products except M-39 |
| 31 March 1988 | until 24:00 Hours |
| 3.9 Million M 39 |
[1] Translator’s note: Kommerzielle Koordinierung, or “Commercial Coordination”, a secret GDR state enterprise to generate foreign currency and purchase from Western countries.
A report indicating that the first shipment of GDR military aid has departed for Ethiopia.
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