The Executive of the Tudeh Party's Central Committee discusses appointments of Tudeh Party of Iran Central Committee leadership in violation of the statutes and norms of the Party.
November 24, 1978
Information: The IC "Reza" Reported about a Conversation with Prof. ALAVI on 23.11.78
This document was made possible with support from Blavatnik Family Foundation
Main Department XX/AGA
Berlin, 24.11.78
The IC "Reza" reported about a conversation with Prof. ALAVI on 23.11.78:
It is known that in October 1978 a reporter from the Iranian newspaper "Kayhan" was staying with ALAVI and wanted to do an interview on the visit by the Shah that was then being planned. ALAVI refused because he feared falsifications. The reporter then published an article about his visit and the conversation with A. The article, which touches on statements made by A. on the situation in Iran was written objectively. It contains proposals made by A. for a necessary democratization process in Iran. The article does not contain anything against the Tudeh Party. Nevertheless the Party published a declaration in its magazine Mardom in which they distance themselves from ALAVI and state that A. does not speak in the name of the Party. ALAVI is bitter about this and does not understand the attacks on him. ALAVI scarcely has any connection with the Iranian emigres in the GDR and says he lives rather isolated. He says his only relation now is with Nourozi. For this reason he was very happy about the visit from the IC and was very interested in remaining in contact with him, in order to discuss the situation in Iran and in the party. Alavi also said that he wants to have nothing more to do with the Iranian embassy in the GDR, although he often receives invitations. This position that A. holds does not have any political basis but rather is of a personal nature since he [redacted].
ALAVI is interested in a book by Khomeini, the leader of the Shiites. The title is "Islamic government." He asked the IC to obtain it if possible, since he has no contact with West Berlin.
The IC reported on Prof. [redacted]
The IC has known [redacted] since childhood. He was very active in the Party, especially in Iran and in the early years after he emigrated. But this relationship has somewhat cooled. This may be due to his career and his personal relationship with some of the members of the Tudeh Party's Central Committee. For instance, he absolutely rejects Kianoui. Nevertheless, the IC sees him as absolutely reliable. The IC says he has a good political view. He has developed in the GDR as an expert doctor and is very well regarded, although he tends to be boastful in his manner.
The IC knows about the existence of [redacted]'s connections to West Berlin or West Germany from stories. But they are primarily of a professional or scientific nature. He purchases technical literature from West Germany/West Berlin.
Report on conversation between an informal collaborator"Reza" and Professor Borzorg Alavi on his waning involvement with the Tudeh Party and isolation from Iranian emigres in the GDR. The report also details the political outlook and West German connections of another Iranian professor in Germany whom "Reza" knew well.
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