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October 5, 1945

L. Beria to Cde. V.M. Molotov

This document was made possible with support from MacArthur Foundation



Nº 1-2 p. 170]



Top Secret


to Cde. V. M. MOLOTOV


In September of this year Ghulja [Yining] rebels, having begun an offensive on the north of Xinjiang, have completely liberated the Altay [Altai] District from the Chinese in cooperation with the rebels of the Altay District led by Ospan Batyr [Osman Batur].


According to available information, after the liberation of Altay, Ospan Batyr, the leader of the rebels of the Altay District, does not intend to recognize the Government of East Turkestan created in Ghulja, and considers Altay an independent state and himself as the khan of Altay.


Ospan Batyr declares that during his meeting with Choybalsan [Choibalsan] in 1944 the latter promised to turn Altay into an independent state, and to appoint him the khan of Altay, and therefore Ospan Batyr considers only Choybalsan’s orders binding on him.


At the suggestion of our representative Ospan Batyr has begun to perform the responsibilities of governor of Altay and declared that he will be guided by his advice; however, he added that Choybalsan promised Altay independence and him the title of khan.


Considering the decision about negotiations between the Ghulja rebels and the Chinese government I consider it advisable to charge Choybalsan with giving Ospan Batyr instructions to halt active combat operations against the Chinese, go over to the defensive, and assist the Ghulja rebels in negotiations for a peaceful settlement of the conflict with the Chinese.


Please discuss these suggestions.




5 October 1945

Nº 1184/8


Three copies printed

1 – to Cde Molotov

2 – to Cde. Beria

3 – to the Secretariat’s file


drafted by Cde. Mamulov

basis: the 5 October 1945 telegram  Nº 00339 of

Cde. Ig[n]arov

Ind. 54, note of Cdes. Kobulov and Stakhanov of

6 October; ind. 24-18.

Typed by Igritskaya, 15 October 1945


[Handwritten: “Authenticated [[by illegible name]]


Beria’s copy was placed in the Special Folder

concerning Xinjiang”]


Beria writes that Osman Batur does not intend to recognize the East Turkestan Republic. Instead, Osman will create an independent state in Altai, in part due to the support of Choibalsan.


Document Information


GARF, f. 9401s, op. 2, d. 10004, ll. 62-63. Contributed by Jamil Hasanli and translated by Gary Goldberg.


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MacArthur Foundation and Blavatnik Family Foundation