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February 10, 1976

Letter, Director of the Telegraphic Agency of the Soviet Union, Zamiatin, No. 105 s, to First Secretary of the MCP CC, Bodiul

This document was made possible with support from Leon Levy Foundation

Esteemed Ivan Ivanovich,


As V. N. Ignatenko reported to me, you are in agreement with the opinion regarding the necessity of intensifying the activity of the Moldavian Agency of Information [ATEM] in the preparing of materials about the life of the republic for the foreign press. This was conditioned by the necessity of counteracting the more active attempts by Western means of information to misrepresent the past and present of the Moldavian people, of combating certain tendencies of Romanian propaganda.


We believe it would be opportune to organize, within the framework of the agency, a Special Editor of Information for Abroad whose collaboration could prepare material, both qualitatively and operationally, with a propagandistic character. TASS requests the Moldavian CP CC to assist the agency in the formation of this editor’s office.

With respect


General Director of TASS, L. Zamiatin (signature)

Zamiatin, the director of TASS, writes to the Moldavian leader suggesting the creation of a new office, the Special Editor of Information for Abroad. This editor would help with the propaganda campaign to "counteract the more active attempts by Western means of information to misrepresent the past and present of the Moldavian people, [and in] combating certain tendencies of Romanian propaganda."

Document Information


AOSPRM, fond. 51, inv. 40, dosar 26, fila 13; Document No. 19 in Elena Negru and Gheorghe Negru, “PCM şi Naţionalism (1965-1989): Documente adunate în cadrul programului de cercetări effectuate de câtre Comisia pentru studierea şi aprecierea regimului tolitar communist din Republica Moldova,” special edition, Destin românesc, vol. 16, no. 5-6 (2010), p. 86. Translated for CWIHP by Larry L. Watts.


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Leon Levy Foundation