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September 5, 1969

Letter from Eldridge Cleaver to David Hilliard

This document was made possible with support from Leon Levy Foundation




David Hilliard

Chief of Staff

Black Panther Party


Eldridge Cleaver

Minister of Information

Black Panther Party

Alger, Algeria


September 5, 1969



Attorney At Law

501 Fremont Bldg.

3411 Market St.


Dear Brothers & Sisters:


We are laying groundwork for continuing and improving relationships with our comrades from North Korea. By the time you receive this letter, our delegation (composed, as it looks now, of myself, brother Byron Muesi Booth, and Julia Wright. Julia is in Lagos, Nigeria at the moment and she may not make it. She is still hung up with that oppressor country radical of hers. We are supposed to leave here Monday, September 8, 1969. We should be able to generate some very strong support in Korea and throughout Asia. Look forward to messages from us.)


(1) Here is a copy of a telegram sent by the Koreans; they and we here do not know whether or not you received it there. But here it is. It should be answered right away, signed by our Chief of Staff, and showing solidarity with the Korean people in our common struggle against U.S. Imperialism. It is very important that this be done right away because both telegrams will be used for a massive educational campaign throughout the world to generate support for Bobby and the Party.


(2) Here also is the text of the telegram in the Korean language, taken from the official organ of the Korean Govt. I suggest that we run these items in our newspaper: “The Korean telegram, in English and in Korean; and our answer, signed by the Chief, along with a spread on Korea – the struggle that is going on in the South, the Korean War, the Pueblo incident, and the Flying Pueblo incident.


(3) September 9, is the Korean National Day, marking their Victory and Liberation. Due to shortness of time, I will send them a telegram in the name of the Party.


(4) Put the North Korean Embassy on the mailing list for our newspaper. I think they have embassies in Mexico and Canada. You should send copies to those embassies, but also send about three copies each time to the Korean Embassy here in Algeria.


(5) It is very important that all progressive countries in the world receive copies of our newspaper; also progressive organizations inside those countries. Our Solidarity Comm. In Sweden should be made to deal with a lot of that, also to come up with bread. Until they do that, they are jiving!!!






David Hilliard

Chief of Staff


(6) Also, here are copies of telegrams of support that were sent to the Secretary General of the United Nations, U Thant. They should be run in the Black Panther.


(7) Chief, do you recall our dissuasion of strengthening the structure of our Central Committee? I suggested that, as rapidly as possible, Huey and Bobby should give up their reaction to the proposal. In terms of insuring the perpetuation of the Black Panther Party in face of the repression, it would be very helpful if our Central Committee and Political Beaureau [sic] were strengthened. I suggest that M the First and Second leaders from each State or Strong & Stable Branch of the Party be designated by Huey to be members of the Central Committee. It should be done by Executive Mandate. I suggest that in the Executive Mandate, the method of selection of Central Committee members be spelled out. Also, I think that in the same Mandate, the members of the Political Bureau should be named. My suggestion for the Political Bureau are (1) Huey, (2) Bobby, (3) David, (4) Emory, (5) Eldridge, (6)     ?     (7)     ?      (8)     ?      (9)     ?      .     


(8) David, there is a new little RED BOOK out entitled THE CONSTITUTION OF THE COMMUNIST PARTY OF CHINA; it was published this year, and it really hits this subject right on the nose. I think that it would be very helpful to see to it that Huey and Bobby both get a chances [sic] to read this book right away, because it will help to clarify some problems of structure. Let me hear from you regarding this article.


All Power to the People



Eldridge Cleaver

Minister of Information

Black Panther Party






David Hilliard, Chief of Staff of the Black Panther Party, send a telegram to the INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ANTI-IMPERIALIST JOURNALISTS, Pyongyang, capitol of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea --- showing solidarity and proletarian internationalist spirit of the Black Panther Party. It will very important to do this without fail.


The Conference begins on September 17 and runs to the 28 of September. Suggest that we print an announcement of the Conference in the Black Panther and print the address of the Conference and call upon all revolutionary organizations to also send telegrams to express their solidarity with the fighting Korean people in the face of new aggressions being plotted against the Korean peoples by Imperialists.






Here is the text of a telegram message sent by the Koreans, to Babylon.


1. Translate it and send it to the Party for printing in Black Panther.


2. See to it that it gets sent around for wide coverage.


3. The Chief of Staff should send a strong response showing appreciation and expressing solidarity. His telegram will be widely circulated throughout the word by the Koreans, so this is important in helping to mobilize international support.


4. During these days, it would be on time to run things in the Black Panther about the struggle of the Korean peoples and the increasing plots against them by the imperialists. The Pueblo, the Flying Pueblo, and the Helicopter that was shot down. There is a guerrilla struggle going on right now for the liberation of South Korea from the hands of the pupets [sic] and lackies there.


For Kathleen: These messages should also be put into the first issue of our magazine RIGHT ON, or ON TIME, whichever we decide to make it. The magazine itself must not be printed until after I get back and have a chance to check it out, plus I will have a lot of good material for the magazine.



Eldridge Cleaver gives a list of specific instructions and suggestions on establishing relations with the communist parties in Asia and North Korea in particular.

Related Documents


Eldridge Cleaver's Introduction to Kim Il Sung's Speeches

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Speech at the Pyongyang City Mass Rally Held on the Occasion of the "Day of Struggle for the Withdrawal of the US Imperialist Aggression Army Away from South Korea"

A speech given at the Pyongyang City Mass Rally by Eldridge Cleaver in which he suggests that U.S. imperialism first became evident with the Korean War. North Korea has developed around the leadership of Kim Il Sung and has established a strong military and industry to as countermeasures in the case of a new war. According to Cleaver, if the anti-imperialist Asian countries join against US imperialism, they will be able to knock it down and ensure the victory of their cause.


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Eldridge Cleaver applauds the North Koreans for being the beacons of the anti-imperialist revolution and praises Kim Il Sung's leadership against U.S. imperialism and Japanese colonialism. According to Cleaver, the Black Panther Party supports and join hands with the North Koreans against fascism, imperialism, and the ruling class. Cleaver also criticizes South Korea for being a puppet state of U.S. imperialism.


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The speaker thanks the Black Panther Party for supporting North Korea's efforts to achieve independence without the influence of US and Japanese imperialist forces and expresses North Korea's hope for solidarity against imperialism. The speaker argues that Korean unification can only be achieved by the Korean people themselves.


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September 9, 1971

Message to Kim Il Sung from Eldridge Cleaver

Eldridge Cleaver sends a message to Kim Il Sung celebrating the twenty-third anniversary of the founding of DPRK. Cleaver praises the Juche principle and the Korean revolution for national independence against the Japanese fascists and US imperialists. Koreans are described as the prime mover of the international revolutionary movement and as having built a powerful independent socialist country. Cleaver praises North Korea's efforts in reaching out to the southern hemisphere that is suffering from US neo-colonialism.

September 28, 1969

Eldrirdge Cleaver's Notes on Korea

Notes taken by Eldridge Cleaver during his visit to North Korea in September 1969 for the "International Conference on Tasks of Journalists of the Whole World in their Fight against U.S. Imperialist Aggression."

September 1969

Eldridge Cleaver Notebooks, September 1969

Eldridge Cleaver's handwritten notes from his travels to North Korea in September 1969 for the "International Conference on Tasks of Journalists of the Whole World in their Fight against U.S. Imperialist Aggression."


Eldridge Cleaver Notebooks, 1970

Eldridge Cleaver's handwritten notes from his travels to North Korea in 1970 for the "U.S. People's Anti-Imperialist Delegation."

Document Information


Texas A&M University, Cushing Memorial Library and Archives, The Eldridge Cleaver Collection, 1959-1981. Obtained by Charles Kraus.


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Leon Levy Foundation