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May 17, 1965

Letter from the Mayor of Nagasaki to Premier Zhou Enlai

This document was made possible with support from Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)


Your Excellency Premier Zhou Enlai of the People’s Repbulic of China:


We express much regret over the second nuclear test conducted by your country on the 14th. For the sake of peace for the countries of the world, we strongly urge you to stop such nuclear tests henceforth.


Tsutomu Tagawa

Mayor of Nagasaki-shi, Japan

Yoshida Masanosuke

Parliamentary Speaker of Nagasaki-shi



The Mayor of Nagasaki expresses regret over China's second nuclear test.


Document Information


PRC FMA 113-00411-02, 70. Translated by Caixia Lu.


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Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY) and Henry Luce Foundation