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August 8, 1972

A letter from the North Korean embassy, attached to 'Visit of the Korean ambassador'

This document was made possible with support from Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)

A greeting to Hungary:



To the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of

the Hungarian People's Republic



The Democratic People's Republic of Korea would like to pay its tributes to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Hungarian People's Republic and has the honor of forwarding the government declaration that was published by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea on July 31, 1972.


The Embassy of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea would also like to seize the opportunity to express their sincere appreciation to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Hungarian People's Republic.


The Embassy of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

1972 August 8.



[The pages after this include the mentioned declaration in Russian, French, English, and Korean.]



A letter from the North Korean embassy to the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, attached to the report by Barity Miklos

Document Information


MNL OL XIX-J-1-j É-Korea, 1972, 60. doboz, 81-146, 00394. Translated by Imre Majer.


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Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)