Sofia, August 30, 1970.
Dear Comrades!
Between July 25th and August 1st of this year, at the invitation of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and the revolutionary government of Cuba, a Bulgarian party and government delegation led by comrade Todor Zhivkov paid a friendly visit to Cuba. We would like to inform you about the impressions gained during the delegation's stay in Cuba, and we would like to share with you our opinion on the situation in this country, as well as our thoughts on our future relations with Cuba.
First of all, we would like to note that the visit took place at an auspicious time. As you know, a positive process has been unfolding in Cuba for some time, and this is expressed in the fact that the Cuban party and state leaders are striving to develop a Marxist-Leninist position on a whole range of fundamental issues related to the country's development and international activities, and they are trying to work closer to build cooperation with the Soviet Union and other fraternal socialist countries. This process continues to evolve. And this is confirmed not only by what the delegation was able to see directly, but also by the fact that during the meetings and discussions with the Cuban leaders, agreement was expressed regarding the situation and prospects of our bilateral relations. This is also confirmed by
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the fact that we exchanged useful opinions on the most important timely problems of the international situation, the socialist community and the world communist movement.
After the delegation returned home, we came to the conclusion that our competent bodies informed us about the situation in Cuba in a rather one-sided and inaccurate manner, as they approached several problems with bias. The Cuban reality was examined completely from our point of view, they started from our views and our own experiences gained during the construction of the socialist society, they did not take into account the specific characteristics of Cuban conditions. They did not appreciate enough all the positive things that happened there, although the Cuban leaders are still not fully on the ground of scientific socialism, they do not show consistency in the issues of Marxist-Leninist theory and practice. They also did not take into account the important fact that learning Marxism-Leninism is such a long and difficult process that requires time, a special attitude and serious help from all brother parties in the socialist states.
It goes without saying that the delegation did not have the opportunity to see everything, but what they got to know is enough to get a truer picture of the reality in Cuba, to form a more correct position regarding what is currently happening in this country.
Above all, our delegation returned with the firm conviction that the main direction of the activities of the Cuban party and state leaders is the construction of a socialist society. The management's efforts and attention
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are now no longer directed to carrying out revolutions in Latin America, but primarily to the development of Cuban economic life and to the solution of the problems arising during socialist construction.
For example, in Cuba, the reorganization of agriculture, the concentration and specialization of crop cultivation and animal husbandry is currently underway with great momentum. Whole farms and districts are a certain culture - mainly sugar cane, rice, citrus fruits, etc. - are specialized in cultivation. A huge amount of work is being done in the breeding of registered livestock with the aim of breeding a breed of cow that is best adapted to the Cuban climate and provides a high milk yield. In general, the Cuban comrades work with great enthusiasm in the field of agriculture.
The Cuban leaders are clearly striving to create industry. Compared to the situation in agriculture, the work in this area is weaker, but there are opportunities here as well, since the country has certain valuable raw materials - for example, nickel, sugar cane, etc.
Efforts are also being made in other areas - such as education, health care, social security, etc. Here too certain results were achieved.
The fact that the Cuban comrades have now turned their faces to the problems of the socialist construction in their country is particularly evident from the speech delivered by Comrade Fidel Castro on July 26 of this year. In this latest speech, he talks exclusively about the tasks that must be solved in the economic field, and at the same time emphasizes the difficulties, weaknesses and mistakes in the management of the national economy.
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"Seizing power and carrying out the revolutionary turn," he declared, "is difficult, but it is twenty thousand times more difficult to build a socialist economy."
It is also very typical that during the visit of our delegation, Comrade Castro took a keen interest in the experiences of our country in building a socialist economy.
The delegation returned home with the conviction that the Cuban party and state leaders are indeed implementing significant positive changes in our foreign policy activities. Based on the speeches and actions of the leaders, it has recently become clear that they want to develop their relations with the socialist countries, and are heading towards rapprochement and cooperation with these countries – mainly the Soviet Union - as they are visibly becoming more and more convinced that this is actually one of the decisive condition for the success of socialism in Cuba. “Our relations with the Soviet Union and other socialist countries are developing well - said Comrade Fidel Castro - in this area, we are guided by goodwill.”
The Cuban comrades are firmly in favor of the unity and cohesion of the socialist community and the international communist movement, but at the same time they are of the opinion that this must be achieved on a bilateral basis. They still underestimate the importance and role of our joint organizations, such as the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance, although they showed interest during the discussions p. towards the possibilities of cooperation within the framework of the organization.
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Cuban leaders would also take an increasingly realistic stance on the most important international problems - such as the Indochina aggression, the Middle East crisis, and the issue of European security. Moreover, Comrade Castro stated that they will sign the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, However, they still have certain reservations about several statements of the Moscow meeting, which are related to the current international situation in the Moscow documents.
All these and other positive changes in the policy of the Cuban leadership, which we greatly appreciate, will undoubtedly be of great importance in terms of the further successful construction of the new Cuba.
But there are still many unsolved problems, the difficulties are still great, which further complicate the already serious conditions in Cuba, which arose primarily as a result of the very backward economy, the economic blockade organized by imperialism, imperialist provocations, diversions and acts of sabotage. And if some of the most pressing problems remain unsolved for a long time, then it will not be surprising at all if serious complications arise in the life of the country.
What do we mean specifically?
Here, we are primarily thinking of the extremely serious problem of providing care to the population, there are now more than ten in Cuba year there is a ticket system. And this is indeed an abnormal situation for a socialist country, but the worst thing about it is that there is no prospect of abolishing the ticket system.
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The same is the case with the housing issue, the solution of which requires enormous resources and efforts.
Or it mixes, for example, the cadre question and the workforce problem. In almost all areas of economic and cultural life, there is a great shortage of qualified cadres in Cuba. Due to several circumstances, the structure of the Cuban population is very unfavorable - the number of people employed in production is only 32%, while in the European socialist countries, this proportion is approximately 45%.
The biggest problem that makes it difficult for Cuba to progress faster and more successfully on the socialist road, however, may lie in the fact that the Cuban leaders - as Marxists and Communists - have not grown up yet. And this applies even more to the other cadres of the country, not to mention simple party members and broad sections of the population.
Fidel Castro and other Cuban leaders make quite a few mistakes as a result of not being fully armed with a scientific worldview and not firmly holding the compass of Marxism-Leninism and proletarian internationalism in their hands.
For example, they do not implement everything that is absolutely necessary for the effective enforcement of the leading role of the Communist Party, for the collective and correct solution of all the problems associated with development. In essence, the real thing hasn't been established in Cuba yet, i.e. a new type of party, which would strictly take objective legalities into account, and conduct all its activities on a scientific basis. Instead, they tolerate manifestations of subjectivism and instinct. In essence, there is a lack of collective leadership and in many respects, it is supported by the cult of personality.
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The organs of the proletarian dictatorship are not on top of the situation either. Something is already there, but only in a rudimentary state. Although there is a state economic apparatus, in reality this apparatus does not have real organs that would carry out the organizing work in a planned and regular manner, accumulate experience and be competent in the various sectors of socialist construction.
In fact, there is no planning in this country. It is true that the Cuban comrades talk about plans and planning, but these questions are still very nebulous and very vague for them. The awareness that it is impossible to build a new society without scientific planning, and it is impossible to successfully manage socialist construction, has not yet crystallized in them.
They do not have a clearly stated position regarding financial interests either. Although the principle of equality was not introduced, the role of economic factors and financial incentives was significantly reduced.
Comrade Zhivkov openly and fiercely discussed these questions with Comrade Castro, who generally did not object to the comments and opinions expressed.
When we inform you about the most important positive and negative aspects of the situation in the Republic of Cuba, we are far from thinking that all this is news for you.
However, we would like to present some of our ideas regarding what our fraternal parties should do in the future in order to promote further positive changes in Cuban politics.
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In our opinion, the following should be done:
1. A careful political reassessment of the Cuban situation and the Cuban leadership must be carried out, and understanding of their problems must be shown. Of course, this does not mean that we agree or can agree with them on everything. However, such an attitude allows us to fully understand the Cuban reality, to gain a more accurate picture of the Cuban leaders, their qualities and intentions, and finally, based on all this, we can correctly determine the nature and forms of our further relations with this country. In the given case, such a revaluation shows us the most important thing, that is, that the main direction in Cuba - as we have already noted - is the construction of a socialist society.
2. It is necessary to strengthen the relations with the responsible Cuban leaders even more, with the aim that they can get to know our countries on a broad basis with the experiences gained during the socialist and communist construction, and this will help Cuba to orient itself towards the Leninist way of building the new society.
Indeed, many complaints could be made against the people who run Cuba. But as you know, these are not accidental people. They have a great revolutionary path behind them, they are devoted to the cause of the revolution, and they are irreconcilably opposed to imperialism. We are convinced that the Cuban leaders, especially Comrade Fidel Castro, enjoy extremely high authority, love and trust among the workers, the peasantry and the youth, and therefore in our work with them we must take them as they are. It is all the more necessary to do the same since they started with great strength and enthusiasm: to build a socialist society, and they strive to be guided in their actions by Marxism-Leninism
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and proletarian internationalism, and they try to establish multifaceted cooperation with our countries. In addition, the Cuban people are clearly imbued with a high degree of revolutionary fervor.
3. We believe that even more significant assistance should be provided to Cuba in all areas - primarily for the development of its economy - with the aim of stabilizing the country's situation and becoming a showcase of socialism in Latin America in the future. In this area, we need to coordinate our steps even more, since no friendly country - with the exception of the Soviet Union - is able to give Cuba the help it needs on its own.
For example, it could also be discussed the possibility that the CMEA countries would take some reasonable and expedient steps in order to end the Cuban ticket system as soon as possible and ensure more or less tolerable care for the population.
And could we do everything together to convince the Cuban comrades of that? it is time for them to gradually start coordinating their own long-term plans with the plans of the CMEA countries, and with this we could achieve that Cuba later enters the CMEA and integrates its economy with the economy of our countries. And then our cooperation with Cuba and our assistance to this socialist country will be more effective.
In our opinion, a comprehensive, long-term program should be developed to widen and
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deepen our political, economic and cultural relations with the Republic of Cuba, in order to fully integrate this country into the socialist community.
Sofia, August 25, 1970.
Communist greetings:
Political of the Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party
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