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June 16, 1966

Letter, USSR Ministry of Finance to the Ministry of Finance of the Chinese People’s Republic, Beijing

Per Point 45, Prot. No. 7[1]


USSR Ministry of Finance


Moscow, “  “ June 1966


In connection with the 26 March 1966 letter from the Ministry of Finance of the Chinese People’s Republic on the issue of the return of contributions produced by the Chinese side for capital investment of the Joint Institute of Nuclear Research, the Ministry of Finance of the Union of SSR advises the following.


The Joint Institute of Nuclear Research was founded by the 26 March 1956 Agreement between the governments of Socialist states as an international scientific-research organization.


Article 8 of the Charter of the Joint Institute of Nuclear Research, as confirmed by the governments of the state-members of the Institute, envisions that “written notification about exiting the Institute is to be sent by the Government of the State wishing to leave the Institute to the management of the Institute no later than three months prior to the end of the current fiscal year. Exit from the Institute will go into force upon the conclusion of the fiscal year, in which the State declares its departure from the Institute. The size of financial compensation by the State, departing from the members of the Institute, is determined by the Finance Committee in accordance with its cost sharing in the capital expenses for the Institute after a report on the budget for the fiscal year, in which the State declares its departure from the members of the Institute.”


Taking the aforementioned into account, the Ministry of Finance of the Union of SSR sees the request contained in the letter mentioned above from the Ministry of Finance of the Chinese People’s Republic as unauthorized, since the issues linked with the exit of individual countries from the Joint Institute of Nuclear Research appertains to the competence of the organs of this institute, which is an international scientific-research organization.


Using this occasion, the Ministry of Finance of the Union of SSR expresses its esteem to the Ministry of Finance of the Chinese People’s Republic.


To the Ministry of Finance of the Chinese People’s Republic, Beijing


[1] Translator’s Note: The following information is extracted from Protocol No. 7 of the CPSU CC Politburo meeting, finalized on 16 June 1966 and covering numerous resolutions made during 13 to 16 June 1966. A number of decisions were made during the meeting, including Point 45.

The USSR balked at China’s desire for a refund of money contributed to the Joint Institute of Nuclear Research (JINR) after it decided to pull out of the institute.

Document Information


RGANI, f. 3, op. 72, d. 19, ll. 43. Contributed by Anna Pan and translated by Theresa Billow-Supple.


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