This letter details a South Korean proposal to purchase 200 helicopters from the Kamov Firm.
December 16, 1995
Letter from Vitalii Kataev to Malyshev regarding a South Korean Company's Purchase of Russian Helicopters
This document was made possible with support from Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)
16 December 1995
Fax [Nr]: (34761) 340 91
Attention: B. Ye. MALYSHEV
Dear Boris Yevgen'yevich!
In accordance with an agreement I am sending you the proposals of the South Korean firm.
1. The following information was given in conversation in addition:
The discussion is about a 4-6 seat helicopter for local communications in mountainous terrain and for communication between islands - what an air microbus.
The question of a tropical version [ispolnenie] has not been raised for the time being.
For now it is being forecast to sell a minimum of 200 craft.
Begin with the assembly from components supplied from Russia at a plant adapted for these purposes. To begin with, the avionics are ours.
They hope that our helicopter will be cheaper than the American alternative in prime cost and operating expenses.
If it works out they will build a new plant for our development as a 50 x 50 joint venture [SP, presumably sovmestnoe predpriyatie] (a SP [was] already possible from the very beginning).
The firm is not large, but sufficiently solvent; they are planning to demonstrate this, inviting pool participants to the site (all the large firms are under US control).
2. The representative plans [to go] to Korea on 24 December of this year and is asking he be given advertising material for the helicopter to begin (and also for a [fixed-wing] aircraft [samolet] if it is available) and to phrase our counteroffers in broad terms.
We have not given these proposals to other Russian enterprises for now; we hope to continue our ties with you which were established with the involvement of O. A. Kaybyshev, but unfortunately they were then not taken further.
3. I would also like to direct your attention to the need to consider the provisions of the [date missing] Decree of the PRF [President of the Russian Federation] during study of this proposal
[Translator's note: the available text ends at this point]
This letter, sent to the General Director of Kumertau Aviation, details a South Korean company's proposal to purchase 200 helicopters.
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