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September 10, 1967

Look at Kim Il Sung’s Ugly Face!

Fight to the Finish

Quotations of Chairman Mao

Chaoyang Newsletter

“Believe in and rely on the masses. Believe in and rely on the People’s Liberation Army. Believe in and rely on the majority of cadres.”

Published: 10 September 1967

No. 3

Edited by: The News Bureau of Shanghai Jiatong University Fight to the Finish Corps and 81st Unit of the Shanghai Transportation Rebel Corps

“If the army and the people are united as one, let us see who under heaven is the enemy.”



Look at Kim Il Sung’s Ugly Face!

Kim Il Sung, the boss of the [North] Korean revisionists, is the biggest opportunist of all. He’s also the biggest careerist and tyrant, and a typical two-faced [counterrevolutionary]. With the in-depth development of China’s Great Proletariat Cultural Revolution, Kim Il Sung, a dog so scared he’s out of his wits, is behaving preposterously and putting up a last-ditch struggle. He’s set off a hysterical anti-China tide domestically at the same time he’s vigorously rejecting dissent. It’s white terror everywhere, and the fascist dictatorship dominates everything.


Here are two examples of Kim Il Sung’s ugly face:


1. Kim Il Sung shamelessly claims that the Northeast Anti-Japanese United Army, under his influence and leadership, carried out the anti-Japanese armed struggle. He also wantonly boasts that some “Korean people’s revolutionary army of the 1930s” was the “main force” of the Northeast Anti-Japanese War, and vigorously promotes that Korea’s domestic war of liberation was personally led by him, in order to dress himself up as the Great Leader.


2. Now state power in [North] Korea is in the hands of Kim Il Sung and his cronies. The army, navy, and air force are directly controlled by Kim Il Sung; his brother Kim Yeong-ju [Kim Yong Ju] is the head of the [Korean Workers’ Party] Central Organizing Department; his son, Kim Jong Il, a 1964 college graduate, is the vice director of the First Department of the Workers’ Party Central Committee. He rides in a 2nd Central Committee-level sedan.


Smash the Soviet revisionists!


Smash the [North] Korean revisionists!




A Cultural Revolution-era newsletter from a group of Shanghai radicals denouncing North Korean leader Kim Il Sung.


Document Information


The News Bureau of Shanghai Jiaotong University Fight to the Finish Corps and 81st Unit of the Shanghai Transportation Rebel Corps, 'Fight to the Finish - Chaoyang Newsletter,' Issue No. 3. Contributed and translated by Charles Kraus.


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